Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

The process of formation of the island of Sulawesi

Tips Learning German Quickly

Useful to learn the German language! Why? Because ...

German language is an important language in international communication. More than 101 million people speak German, some 20 million people around the world learn the German language. In Europe the German language is the mother tongue to 100 million people, not only in Germany, but also in austria, swiss and liechtenstein luxemburg. This puts the German language among the 12 most common languages ​​in the world: 2.1% of the world population. In Europe the German language is the mother tongue of the most widely used.

German language is an important language for trade. Germany is the largest exporter in the world. Germany has a strong economy and industry partners, and most importantly for the Indonesian trade in the European Union. In the last 10 years, studied German language became a regional lingua franca in the countries of central and eastern Europe. Since the cross-cultural skills are key qualifications for a successful business today, German language skills to help you open new markets and be successful in the global business and international labor markets.

Learning German language occupies a strong position in science and literature. German as a language of science and technology play an important role in research and education. In the 19th century German language as the language of science and literature occupy an important position in the world, more important than a French and English in particular. Currently, English is the dominant international language for science and literature. However, in a network of international and interdisciplinary cooperation at the global level German language is still widely used. Modern German society bases itself on knowledge: knowledge and research occupy a strong position in public life in Germany.

Private German language as the language of culture open intellectual horizons. German culture manifests itself in many forms: from literature and music, theater and film to architecture, painting, philosophy and art. Knowledge of German language lets you know one of the big European culture in its original form. In the world of literature - Goethe, Schiller, kafka, grass -, world music - bach, mozart, beethoven, wagner -, philosophy - Luther, Kant, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche -, or psychology-freud, adler, junk - or even the world of research and knowledge - Kepler, Einstein, Röntgen, Planck - German language is the language of the mind.

German language opens the door to a lecture in German universities. Although the international lecture at the university germany lets you study in germany without knowledge of German language, German language acquisition certainly advantageous if you want to study there. If the international lecture is not available, you must prove that you have sufficient German language skills before beginning college or private German language. Therefore, language acquisition provide a wider choice of courses.

German language tutor improve your chances of getting a job. German companies in Indonesia and foreign companies in Germany seeking expert with knowledge of German language. In the European Union there are training opportunities, study and work that appeals to the experts with knowledge of the German language.

German language tutor is important to the field of tourism. Indonesia is a popular tourist destination. Many tourists from germany, austria and swiss travel to Indonesia. For those who work in the tourism industry, German language skills is a good investment.

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