Kamis, 06 Desember 2012

Terbetuknya Java (History IPS)

Terbetuknya Java (History IPS)

History of Java in the formation process of the Past .... Science IPS
An ancient geological theory said, the process of land formation that occurs in southern Asia is due to the movement of the Indian subcontinent to the north, which collided with a slab north. The movement of tectonic plates, which later gave birth to the Himalayas.
That said, the process occurs in 20-36 million years ago. Children in the southern continent partially submerged sea water, so that appears on the surface is a group-a group of islands that are volcanic chain. The string of islands in Southeast Asia, many of Nuswantoro (Archipelago), which in ancient times called Sweta Dwipa. From the mainland is one of them is a group called Jawata subcontinent, one piece parts is Jawa.Jawata island Javanese means teacher. Wong said Wahong, and Tiyang of said Ti Hyang, which means descendant or derived from a deity. It is said that because that island until now still known as the island of Gods, because it is also a piece of the continent Sweta Dwipa or Jawata.
Given that once the Indian subcontinent and Sweta Dwipa or Jawata that one area, it is no wonder that there are almost the same culture, or easy to accept each other influence. Also perkembagan religion in the region, particularly Hinduism and Buddhism are almost identical.

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