Jumat, 26 Oktober 2012

The process of formation of petroleum

A. The process of formation of petroleum
Discusses the identification of petroleum can not be separated from the discussion theory of petroleum formation and formation conditions that make an oil specific and not to be the same between the oil with petroleum. Since I was a chemist, so I approach to do more than the chemical aspects of the geological aspects. An understanding of the process of formation of petroleum will be needed as a material consideration in interpreting the results of the identification. There are many hypotheses about the formation of petroleum raised by experts, some of which are:
B. The theory of biogenesis (Organic)
Macqiur (France, 1758) is the one who first put forward the idea that oil derived from plants. Then M.W. Lamanosow (Russia, 1763) also suggested the same thing. The opinions above are also supported by other scholars such as, New Beery (1859), Engler (1909), Bruk (1936), Bearl (1938) and Hofer. They stated that: "The oil and gas from marine organisms that have died millions of years ago and formed a layer in the earth."
C. The theory of abiogenesis (Inorganic)
Barthelot (1866) suggested that there is oil in the alkali metals, which in a free state with a high temperature will be in contact with CO2 to form asitilena. Then Mandeleyev (1877) suggested that petroleum is formed due to the influence of working steam on metal carbides in the earth. Even more extreme is the claim that some experts argued that oil started to form since prehistoric times, long before the Earth was formed, and in conjunction with the formation of the earth. The statement is based on facts discovered hydrocarbon material in some meteor rocks and in the atmosphere some other planet.
Of the many hypotheses that are often raised is the theory of biogenesis, as it could be. The theory of the formation of petroleum continue to evolve with the development of technology and engineering analysis of petroleum, until later in 1984 G. D. Hobson in his article entitled "The Occurrence and Origin of Oil and Gas".
Based on the theory of biogenesis, petroleum is formed due to a small leak permanently in the carbon cycle. The carbon cycle is occurring between the atmosphere to the earth's surface, which is described by the two arrows in the opposite direction, where the carbon is transported in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. In the first direction, assimilate carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which means that CO2 extracted from the atmosphere by photosynthetic organisms land and sea.
At the direction of the second CO2 released back into the atmosphere through respiration of living things (plants, animals, and microorganisms). In this process, a small leak that allows a small portion of carbon that are not released back into the atmosphere in the form of CO2, but that eventually transformed into fossils that can be burned. Fossil fuels is only a very small amount. Organic material is oxidized during burial. Consequently, the major part of the organic carbon in the form of a very small carbonate in sedimentary rocks.
At first these compounds (such as carbohydrates, protein and fat) produced by living creatures according to their needs, such as self-defense, to breed or as a physical component and living it. The components in question may be constituents of cells, membranes, pigments, fat, sugar or protein from plants, fungi, yeast, protozoa, bacteria, invertebrates or cold-blooded animals and the heat, so it can be found in the air, on the surface, in water or in the soil.

When living things die, then 99.9% of carbon compounds and living will again experience the cycle of the food chain, while the remaining 0.1% of the compounds of carbon trapped in the soil and in sediments. This is what is the origin of compounds known as fossil or petroleum embryos.
These embryos had a transfer and will accumulate in one place that may be a reservoir and there is a drift with the flow of water to accumulate at the bottom of the sea, and there is also due to differences in pressure below the sea surface and accumulate on the surface and some are terendapkan at sea level in the small current.
Small Embryo accumulate in humid environmental conditions, dark and smells of the minerals and sediment, and form large molecules known as geopolymer. Organic compounds buried will remain with their respective characters that correspond to specific materials and environment creation. Furthermore, these organic compounds will undergo geological processes deep within the earth. First akanmengalami diagenesis process, wherein the organic compound and a compound beings are dead and buried up to 600 meters below the surface and the temperature below 50 ° C.

In this condition of organic compounds originating and living beings began to lose force oxygenated due to decarboxylation reaction and dehidratasi. The deeper burial of the case, the hot environment, the addition of depth of 30-40 m will be rising the temperature of 1 ° C. In more depth and 600 m to 3000 m, burial temperatures will range between 50 - 150 ° C, a process called geologic both katagenesis will take place, then the pent geopolymer Mulal unraveled due to geothermal.

The components of petroleum in the process began to take shape and compounds derived characteristics and certain living creatures released back of the molecule. When the depth continues towards the center of the earth, the more the temperature rises, and if the depth exceeds 3000 m and temperatures above 150 ° C, the organic materials can be broken down into small bermolekul gas, and this process is called metagenesis.
Once the process is bypassed geology, petroleum is formed together with bio-markers. Molecular fossils that have been formed will undergo displacement (migration) due to environmental conditions or the earth's crust are always moving average as far as 5 cm per year, so it will be trapped in a porous rock, or the next will migrate to form an oil well. If the sampled rock is jailed oil (host rock) or oil trapped in the cavity of the earth, to be found fossilized organic compounds. Fossils of these compounds were determined structure uses several methods of analysis, so as to explain the origin of fossils, forming materials, petroleum migration, and the relationship between the oil with another oil and petroleum relationship with the host rock.

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