Rabu, 31 Oktober 2012


A. Naqli theorem about the End Times
Faith in the Last Day is one of the main pillars of faith than faith in Allah swt. According to Prof. Dr. Quraish Shihab, in his book Al-Quran Insights page 80, the two pillars of faith is the most widely mentioned in the Holy Quran. Proven Qur'an always mentions Faith in the Last Day and Faith in God always concurrent and sequential. Among them are the following verses!

a. Al-Quran surah al-Baqarah (2) paragraph 8:

Among the people there who said: "We believe in Allah and the Last Day", when in fact they were not people of faith. (Q.S. al Baqarah verse 8)

b. Al-Quran surah al-Tawbah (9) paragraph 8:
It is only the prosperity of the mosques of God are those who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and still establish prayer, give charity and do not be afraid (to anyone) besides Allah, then they're the ones who are expected to include among those who receive guidance. (Q.S. al Taubah verse 8)

c. Al-Quran surah al-Maida (5) paragraph 69:

Verily the believers, Jews, Shabiin and the Christians, whoever (among them) who really believe in Allah and the Last Day and do righteous deeds, then there is no fear come upon them, and not (also) they grieve. (Surah Al Maida verse 69)

d. Al-Quran surah al-Baqarah (2) paragraph 177:
It is not exposing your face to the east and west was a virtue, but that virtue is indeed believe in Allah and the Last Day, the angels, the books, the Prophets and gives his beloved possessions to relatives, orphans, the poor, the wayfarer (which require immediate) and those who beg and (freeing) slaves, establish regular prayers, and practice regular charity, and those who keep his word when he promised, and those who wait the narrow, suffering and in warfare. They are the people who are true (faith), and they are the ones who fear Allah. (Q.S. al Baqarah verse 177)

Thus seen that belief in God is closely related to the faith of the final day. According to Shihab Prof.Quraisy imperfect faith in Allah except by faith in the hereafter. belief in Allah requires deeds, while the perfect new deeds motivated by the belief of the existence of the hereafter. Because perfection is only found reward and reward in the afterlife. To strengthen his argument, he stated that the word "yaumul end" only repeated 24 times, in addition to the word "hereafter" repeated 115 times in the Quran. Addition, the Qur'an has always stirred the heart and mind of man by describing the events of the hereafter, with unique names, such as "al-Zalzalah", "al-Qari'ah", an-Naba ', al-Qiyamah. "terms (that being the name of Al-Quran) that reflect events and circumstances that would faced by people at the time, with the aim that people believe in God and the Hereafter, because the man would meet God, and the man would die, so people do not dally, forget yourself, do not be fascinated with the life of the temporal world and deceive, humans do not deify property, since they are not able to help the owner of the chastisement of God in the hereafter.
Besides, many traditions of the prophet with different qualities are always connecting with the stability of a person's social piety faith in God and the Last Day. Among them are the following:
1. Hadith about one's ability to keep a well-spoken, or better still if you are not able to do it, is:
من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فليقل خيرا او ليصمت (رواه البخاري ومسلم عن ابى هريرة)
He who believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him always well-spoken word or better still ". (HRBukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurairah)

2. Sincerity guest is a person in respect of his faith mirrors.

من كان يؤمن بالله واليوم الآخر فليكرم ضيفه (رواه البخاري ومسلم عن ابى هريرة)
He who believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him glorify his guests. ". (H.R.Bukhari and Muslim from Abu Hurairah)

3. The sweetness of faith is run from temptation.

عن ابي سعيد الخد رى أنه قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يوشك ان يكون خير مال المسلم غنم يتبع بها شعف الجبال ومواقع القطر يفر بدينه من الفتن
From Abu Sa'eed al-Khudry ra. Behold, he said: The Messenger of Allah said: It was almost as good as either property-Muslims are goats which he followed in the top of the mountain and the place where he got rained get religion from defamation.

The behavior of these three traditions are reflected, if a person has achieved stability of faith in God and the Hereafter.

B. Proposition 'aqli about the End Times
Proposition 'aqli an argument to reinforce the argument naqli derived from the Quran and the Sunnah, because the argument of the Koran itself is a very capable man overcome skepticism about the existence of these doomsday. Let us show the possibility of postponing the final theory experts in their respective fields.

a. According to astronomer
Earth and the other planets revolve around the sun on a regular basis and perfect each planet has a power of attraction that circulate and move balanced / harmonious. But the affinity that the longer will be reduced and even disappear altogether, it will eventually collide and disintegrate, (Cf. letter at-takwir 2 and al-Infiëãr 2).

b. According to geologists
In the bowels of the earth there is hot gas that develops and continuously push towards the outside world. However, the Earth itself is under pressure (atmospheric) from the outside or surface, so there was a balance. However, it is estimated that outside pressure growing weaker, more defenseless even eventually lead to natural gas will explode in a violent explosion and will issue a giant fireball that brought the destruction. (Compare with the letter al-Zalzalah).

c. According to Physicist
According to the theory of Natural Science that the greatest energy source that can meet the needs of all life on earth is the sun. So is the attraction between celestial bodies (planets) that there is a dependency with solar energy. But gradually waning sunlight, consequently affecting the attraction between the planets are finally no balance, then there was a collision between them. (Compare at-takwir 1-3)

d. Another opinion of Undergraduate Astronomy Jh. Van Vierngen and his friends.
They estimate that the universe will collapse due to the continuous development indefinitely. Likened to someone who blew balloons continuously without stopping the bubble would burst. To date this nature is constantly being further developed, so that it will exceed the maximum capacity, resulting in the sky that stretches wide it will break and fall apart. (Compare the letter al-Ahqaf; 3, at-Tur; 9, ar-Rahman; 37, al-Hãqqah; 16, al-Maãrij; 8).
With the awareness of such terdoronglah man to believe and work righteousness that is why belief in the end of the day it is very important.

C. Signs of the Last Day (end)
When the Day of Resurrection will arrive is the secret of God, we have only limited knowledge of the signs will be coming. As Allah the following:
1. Q.S. an-Nãzi'at (79) verse: 42-44
(Unbelievers) ask you (O Muhammad) about the Hour, when will it happen?. Who are you (that) can be mentioned (time)? End is returned to your Lord (provision time). (Q.S. an Nãzi'at verses 42-44)
2. Q.S. al-Isra (17) verse 51, the dialogue between the idolaters with Allah on the Day of Resurrection when (day of resurrection).
Or a creature from an unlikely creature (alive) by your mind. "Then they will ask:" Who will revive us again? "Say:" Who has created you in the first time. "Then they would shake their heads you and say, "When it (will happen)?" Say: "I hope it is near the time of Resurrection." (Surah al-Isra verse 51)

Disbelievers and polytheists like doubt, about the possibility of man revived and if it might be when will it happen. The answer is hopefully in the near future. This means that when the Day of Resurrection Allah remains a secret.
Prof. Bey Arifin in his book Life After Death (p.182-196) after citing the hadith the prophet describes the signs of the Day of Judgment, there are 15 events that preceded it. Of the 15 events he said 3 of them are the most important.

1. The emergence of the Antichrist
Antichrist means liar who works just to mislead people. Dajjal there are 2 kinds. Antichrist Dajjal small and large. Antichrist-Dajjal cause damage in the community. Damages caused by the little Antichrist Doomsday called Small. And small-Dajjal Dajjal has born and maybe we can find around us. While the Antichrist is that it works great caliber liar deceive and mislead mankind and they will appear before the Judgment unsuccessful (big end) arrived. Consider the following prayer of the Prophet, who was quoted by the Bay Arifin from the book Jami 'Sagheer.
اللهم إنى اعوذ بك من الكسل والهدم والمأثم والمغرم ومن فتنة القبر وعذاب القبر ومن فتنة النار وعذاب النار ومن فتنة شر الغنى واعوذ بك من فتنة الفقر واعوذ بك من فتنة المسيح الدجال اللهم اغسل عنى خطاياي بالماء والثلج والبرد ونق قلبى من الخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس وباعد بينى وبين خطاياي كما باعدت بين المشرق والمغرب

O Allah I beseech Thee refuge from nature too lazy and old age, from all sin debt, grave slander and doom of the grave, from the punishment of hell and hell libel, slander wealth of danger, I seek refuge with You from the fitnah (danger) poverty. And I seek refuge with You from the fitnah of al-Dajjal. O Allah, cleanse me of my mistakes with water, snow, and rose water, wash my soul from error as well as net white cloth from dirt and keep me from my mistakes as the distance between the east and west. (Saheeh hadith, narrated by Bukhari, Muslim, Nasa'i, and Ibn Majah from 'Aisha).

In another hadith the Prophet said: "There was no judgment, making it appear almost 30 people Dajjal, each admitted that he Messenger of Allah." (HRAbu Dawud, Turmuzi, Nasai and Ibn Majah from Abu Hurairah)

In Islamic history-Antichrist Dajjal false prophet who claimed to have emerged since the time of the prophet. Noted there were 3 false prophets in the prophet, Al-'Unsy from Yemen, al-Kazzab Musaylima of Yamamah and Ibn Syayyad of Medina. Third Antichrist can be suppressed in the reign of Caliph Abu Bakr As-Siddiq. Some twenty years later, appeared again in Iraq who claimed to be a prophet, named Mukhtar Tsaqafy As yet he crushed and killed. But there are many more in history that may not be listed.
Finally in the 20th century AD In 1839 AD to be exact Qadyan born in India a man named Mirza Gulam Ahmad, who in his life preaching and writing. In 1900 he founded an association called the Ahmadiyah. Which in the end he thought of himself as did the prophet and his followers revere him as a prophet. In Indonesia recently emerged Lia Aminuddin claim to be prophets and apostles, and then in 1997 MUI memfatwakannya as false prophets, false and misleading. Then in 2007 appeared also in Bogor man named Ahmad Mushaddiq whose real name is H. Salam claimed to be a prophet and apostle. And we do not know how much the Antichrist-Dajjal who was born into this world.

2. The fall in Isa ibn Maryam A.S.
According A.Hasan in his Verslag Debate Islamic Defenders explained that there are approximately 30 pieces hadith explains Isa ibn Maryam will decrease the U.S.. His arrival is to kill all the pigs and destroy all the crosses. Cleric mentakwilkan as the destruction and disappearance of Christianity and strengthen Islam. And the coming of Jesus the son of Mary it was after the appearance of Dajjal.

3. The fall of the Mahdi
The belief in the presence of the Mahdi in the end times has been uneven among the Muslims. Mahdi means the rightly guided. Mahdi said it is not contained in the Qur'an.

We point out some of the opinions of the scholars about Imam Mahdi:
a. Ibn Khaldun: "... all the traditions that no one apart from the objection, but very little."
b. Shaykh Muhammad Darwisy Opinion: "The hadiths about the Mahdi are all weak, none of which can be handle. Be not deceived by what people are collecting it in some essay ".
c. Opinion Sayid Rashid Rida: "The problem of the long-awaited Mahdi's arrival is the basic problem of a given political affiliations religious dress".
Of the three opinions concluded that belief in the presence of Imam Mahdi before the Day of Resurrection (as one sign of the Day of Resurrection), can not be accounted for. Thus the arrival time of Judgment Day remains a mystery of God, the most important thing we multiply good deeds as stock Hereafter, because the best of both provisions is taqwa.

D. Kinds of Judgement
1. Doomsday Doomsday Sughra or Small
The form of the incident or accident that occurs in nature, such as death at any time, flash floods, hurricane winds, volcanic eruption, earthquake, war, vehicle accident, which stands for drought, pests are rampant. The entire sequence of events mentioned above in terms of aqidah is a warning from God. For people who believe this is a warning and exams. As for the people who disbelieve / infidels a torment or punishment of Allah swt.
Allah says in Sura al-Baqarah verse 155-156:
"Be sure we shall test you give, with something of fear, hunger, lack of wealth, lives and fruits. And give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere, (that) those who, when a misfortune befalls, they say, "Innaa lillaahi innaa Ilaihi raaji wa` uun ". (Q.S. al Baqarah verse 155-156)
Word of God a letter ali-Imran verse 137:
"Surely you have passed before the Sunnah-sunnah of God: therefore ye walk the earth and see what was the end of those who denied (the apostles)." (Surah Ali Imran verse 137)

2. Doomsday Kubra
Namely the destruction of the entire mass of the universe and the end of its natural life world and generates all day from people who have died since the time of Prophet Adam to the last man, to run the next life, as described in the Qur'an Sura al-Zalzalah verses 1-5 .
When the earth is shaken with the shock (which is awesome), and the earth has issued heavy loads (conceived) it, and the man asked: "Why on earth (so so)?", The day the earth to tell the news, because your Lord has commanded (such that) to him. (Q.S. al Zalzalah :1-5)

Word of God a letter al-Qari'ah verses 1-5:

Doomsday, Judgement day is it? Do you know what the Day of Judgment is? On that day people like termite scattered, and the mountains like a feather being squandered. (Q.S. al Qari'ah verses 1-5)

Word of God a letter al-Waqi'ah verses 1-7:
In the event of doomsday, the apocalypse can not didustakan (denied). (The incident) to lower (one class) and raise (the other groups), when the earth is shaken sedahsyat-fierce, and the mountains are destroyed luluhkan sehancur-destruction, then he became scattered dust, and you're into three groups. (QSal Waqi'ah verses 1-7)
Doomsday Kubra is nothing known about the timing, as the word of Allah swt. in Sura al-A'raf verse 187.
They ask you about the Hour: "When will it happen?" Say: "The knowledge of the Hour is on the Lord; no one can explain the time coming but Him. Doomsday was very heavy (civil-haranya for creatures) in the heavens and on earth. Judgement will not come to you but with the arrival the blue ". They ask you as if you really know. Say: "The knowledge of the Hour is with Allah, but most people do not know". (Q.S. al A'raf verse 187)

E. Towards Process phases Life Hereafter
On the Day of Resurrection man having some process steps are as follows;
1. Yaumul Barzakh (يوم البرزخ) is the waiting period before the big doomsday (doomsday kubra)
Allah says in Surat al-Mukminun paragraph 100:
And before them there is Barzakh until the day they are raised (QSal-Mukminun: 100)

2. Yaumul Ba'ats (Today revival of Natural Bury) يوم البعث
Allah says in Surat al-Mujadalah paragraph 6
On the day when they are raised to Allah, and then preached to them what they have done. God gathers (notes) deeds that, even though they had been forgotten. And Allah is Witness to all things. (Surat al-Mujadalah: 6)
3. Yaumul Hashr (Day of Gathering in the meadow Mahsyar). يوم الحشر
Allah says in Surat al-An'am verse 22
And (remember), which at the time was the day We gather them all together and then We said to the idolaters: "Where are your gods that once you say (Our allies)? '. (Q.S. al An'am: 22)
4. Yaumul reckoning (the Day of Judgment / Inspection) يوم الحساب
Allah says in Surat al-Insyiqãq paragraph 8
Then he will be examined by a simple examination. (Q.S. al Insyiqaq: 8)
5. Yaumul Mizan (Day Consideration Amal) يوم الميزان
Allah says in Surat al-Anbiya ': 87
And (remember) Dzun Nun (Jonah), when he left in anger, and he thought that We would not narrow it down (difficult for him), then he cried in a very dark: "That there is no God (worthy of worship) except You. Glory to You, verily I was among those who do wrong ". (QSal Anbiya ': 87)

6. Yaumul Jaza (Day of Judgment) يوم الجزاء
Allah says in Surat al-believers: 17
On this day every soul be rewarded with what is earned. There are no losers today. Allah is swift hisabnya. (Q.S. al Mukmin: 17)

F. Heaven and Hell
1. Heaven
Heaven is where the life of the Hereafter are filled with essential and lasting pleasure as a reward for the righteous, believe and do good works, which had been promised by Allah swt. Heaven is something that has never been experienced by anyone in the world over and it is not conceivable circumstances by a picture in the mind and heart.
As mentioned in the Hadith Qudsi as follows:
عن ابى هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: قال رسول الله صلم: قال الله تعالى: "اعددت لعبادى الصالحين مالا عين رأت ولا أذن سمعت ولا خطر على قلب بشر" (رواه البخارى و مسلم)
It was narrated from Abu Hurairah ra Messenger of Allah said: Allah Ta'ala says "I have prepared for the pious servant something I've never seen eyes and ears have never heard and never before tergoreskan in the human heart (Muslim HR.Bukhari)

Heaven is a place that God has promised to those who fear Allah, as his words in the letter Ali Imran verse 133:
And haste ye the forgiveness of your Lord, and for Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who fear Allah. (Surah Ali Imran: 133)
Heaven promised by God to the believers and do good works, as his word in Sura al-Baqarah verse 25
And Convey glad tidings to those who believe and do good, that they supplied for the heavens flowing rivers in it. Every time they are given sustenance of fruit in the heavens, they said: "This is the first ever given to us." They were given fruits and similar to those in which there are wives that they are holy and dwell therein. (Surat al-Baqara: 25)

As for the names of heaven mentioned in the Qur'an as follows:
a. Heaven 'Adn (see Q.S. ar-Ra'd (13): 22-24)
b. Heaven Na'im (see Q.S.al-waqi 'ah (56): 12)
c. Heaven Ma'wa (see Q.S.as-Sajdah (32): 19)
d. Paradise Paradise (see Q.S.al-Kahf (18): 107)
e. Darus-salam (see Q.S.al-An 'am (6): 127)
f. Heaven Darul Khulud (see Q.S.al-Qaf (50): 34)
g. Darul Muqomah (see Q.S.al-Fatir (35): 35)
h. Maqam Amin ((see Q.S.ad-Dukhan (44): 51)

2. Hell
Hell is something that hereafter place where torture is a very great and powerful, which God has promised to those who disbelieve (reject Allah swt), the idolaters and hypocrites.
God's Word the letter al-Baqarah verse 24:
So if you can not make (it) and you definitely can not make (it), keep yourselves from the Fire whose fuel men and stones, which is prepared for the unbelievers. (Q.S. al Baqarah: 24)
God's Word the letter al-Baqarah verse 39:
As for those who disbelieve and belie Our Signs, they are companions of the Fire: they will abide therein. (Q.S. al Baqarah: 39)
God's Word letter al Bayyinah verse 6:
Surely those who disbelieve that the Book and the idolaters (will go) to Hell, and they will abide therein. They are the worst of creatures. (Q.S. al Bayyinah: 6)
God's Word letter an-Nisa 'verse 145:
Those hypocrites (placed) on the bottom level of hell. And you never will get a helper for them. (Q.S. an-Nisa ': 145)

The hell names mentioned in the Qur'an as follows:
a. Hell (see Surah al-Infiëar verse 14 -16)
b. Hell (see Q.S. at-Takasur paragraph 6)
c. Hell Hawiyah (see Surah al-Qari'ah verses 8-10)
d. Hell Huëamah (see Q.S. al-Humazah verses 1-9)
e. Hell Saqar (see Q.S. al-Mudatsir verses 26-54)
f. Hell Sa'îr (see Q.S. al-Mulk verses 7-11)
g. Hell Laia (see Q.S. al-Lail verses 12-16)

G. Faith To the End Function
1. Adding to the belief that our actions in the world as stock hereafter.
2. Convinced that God Almighty will reward his servants according to their deeds.
3. By believing the end of the day, then someone will have the optimistic nature of life in this world to meet the essential and eternal life in the Hereafter.
4. Fostering candor in charity, focused process in the establishment and devout worship.
5. Always carry enjoining and forbidding evil in order to achieve the pleasure of Allah swt.
6. Convinced that all actions during the life of this world is good or bad should be accountable before Allah in the Hereafter.

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