Kamis, 01 November 2012

Basic Drawing Key Animation

Basic Drawing Key Animation

Basic Principles of Animation
 Animation comes from the word 'Animation' which in English 'to animate' the berartimenggerakan. So the animation can be interpreted as moving something (picture or object) that diam.Sejarah animation starts from ancient times, with the discovery of lukisanlukisan on dindinggoa in Spain depicting 'movement' of animals. In 4000 years ago the Egyptians are also attempting to bring an event to the pictures on the wall are made sequentially. Since realizing that the image can be used as an alternative mediakomunikasi, the desire turn symbols into cerminekspresi kebudayaan.Terbukti the discovery of artifacts on the civilization of Ancient Egypt 2000 sebelummasehi. One is a few panels depicting two wrestlers action in various poses. Animation himself will never develop without the discovery of the basic principles of the human eye characters are: persistance of vision (visual pattern regularly). PaulRoget, Joseph Plateau and Pierre Desvigenes, through optical equipment that they created, managed to prove that the human eye tends to capture a sequence of images padatenggang time as a pattern. In the development of animation in general bisadidefinisikan as: An image sequence is exposed at tertentusehingga period created an illusion of moving images

B. Types of Animation
 Judging from making animation techniques available today can be categorized into three, namely: 1. Stop-motion animation (Stop Motion Animation) 2. Traditional Animation (Traditional animation) 3. Computer Animation (Computer Graphics Animation)

1. Stop-motion animation
 Stop-motion animation claymation often called for in its development, this jenisanimasi often use clay (clay) as an object driven. Technique of stop-motion animation is generated animation of an object image penggambilan (stuffed or otherwise) that moved gradually. In the process of this technique has a level of difficulty and requires patience. One scene darifilm Celebrity Deadmatch. One of the scenes from the movie Chicken Run. Wallace and Gromit danChicken Run, by Nick Parks, is one example of the work of others is a stop motion animation.Contoh Celebrity Deadmatch on MTV that presents scenes perkelahianantara various celebrities.

2. Traditional Animation (Traditional animation)
 Traditional animation is an animation technique is most commonly known to date for ini.Dinamakan traditional animation techniques were used in the animation when first developed. Traditional animation cel animation is also often referred to as technical process is done in a transparent celluloid glimpse transparansiOHP similar to that we often use. In the manufacture of traditional animation, each stage gerakandigambar one by one on the cel. With the development of computer technology, traditional embuatananimasi has been done by using a computer. Today the technique of making traditional animation made with menggunakankomputer better known as 2D animation.

3. Computer Animation
 As the name implies, this overall animation done menggunakankomputer. From character creation, players set move ³ 'and cameras, voting, and special effeknya everything was done with a computer. With computer animation, things that may not initially be possible illustrated with animation and lebihmudah. For example perjalananwahana space to a planet can be clearly delineated, or terjadinyatsunami process. The development of computer technology today, enabling people with mudahmembuat animation. Generated animation depends on the expertise and software used.

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