Selasa, 06 November 2012

Understanding of the proposal

Understanding of the proposal
Understanding of the proposal is a writing made by the writer intended to describe a purpose or explains this to the reader (individual or company) so they gain an understanding of the more detailed objectives. Expected from the proposal could provide as much detail as possible to the reader, so that finally obtain equation vision, mission, and goals
things to consider in making the proposal:


After we discuss how to find the problem, the next step is to make the title Research. In making the title of the study, a few things to note is that the title should be:

1. Communicative, meaning easily understood by the reader
2. Loading research variables
3. Answering what is to be improved
4. In what ways do / attempt anything to improve it.
5. Goals and location reflected in the title;
6. Many say about 15-20 words

The title should be brief and specific research but quite clearly represents an overview of the problem to be investigated and actions chosen to solve or a solution to the problem at hand. The reason for choosing the title must also:

* Points of interest
* Decent studied
* Helpful for people, etc..

Classroom action research titles examples include:

1. Natural Sciences Learning Innovation Around (IPAS) Environmental Chemistry Highlights Through Filming on Environmental Pollution Around To Improve Student Achievement Software Engineering XI Class 1 SMK Negeri 8 Semarang Academic Year 2006/2007 (By: Ardan Sirodjuddin, S.Pd. )
2. Project-Based Learning to Increase Student Achievement In Class XII Geography Lesson IPS SMA Muhammadiyah Wonosari Academic Year 2007/2008 (By: Dra. Dwiyanti Sri Wahyuni ​​M.Pd).
3. Using Contextual Approach to Improving Student Learning Outcomes Economy Class III IPS SMA Negeri 1 Randublatung In the first semester of academic year 2004/2005. (By: Juremi)
4. The use of "Electron Dakon" To improve the process of learning the IPA Effectiveness Beauty Skin In Class I Semester Academic Year 2004/2005 SMK Negeri 1 Tegal (By: Ibn Hajar Dewantoro).


Write the sciences (Department) of the Chief Researcher and study the problems examined. Field studies should be relevant to the investigated teacher discipline, such as math teachers do not discuss learning in biology lessons. Vice versa. Except ditekuninya research still has to do with discipline held. Examples of learning media creation.


The research was done to solve the problems of education and learning. In the introduction should be noted:

1. The background is clear and systematic problems, which include:

a. A description of the position of the subjects in the curriculum (semester, subjects supported and supporting subjects);

b. General description of the course content they will include time division (attach Instructional Analysis, lesson plans, syllabus of the subjects concerned);

c. Learning methods in use today.

2. Issues faced by teachers in terms of learning outcomes achieved by students during

the learning process.

Criteria that can be made PTK problem is:

* Problems at school / in class
* Decent researched and affordable CAR
* There needs to be: identification of problems; analysis of the problem.
* Formulation of the problem: short; clear; operational.
* Not a problem of individual students, but a class issue;


Formulate research problems in the form of a formula action research. In the formulation of the problem can be explained definitions, assumptions, limitations and scope of the research. Formulation of the problem you should use the sentence asked by proposing alternative action to be taken and the positive results are anticipated.

Clearly pointed out that the problem under study is a real problem that occurs in the classroom, it is important and urgent to be solved. Once diagnosed (identified) research the problem, and then need to be identified and described the root cause of the problem.

In the formulation of the problem need to be considered:


Need to consider the weight and benefits of selected actions to enhance and / or improve the learning

Originality (action):

Need to consider whether the action has never been done before teachers

Formulation: encapsulated in the sentence asked, no double meaning, bluntly stated explicitly and specifically what dipermasalahkannya, and action that is expected to resolve the issue


Consider the ability of researchers to carry out research, such as the ability to research methodology, penguasan teaching materials, theory, strategy and methodology of learning, the ability to provide facilities (funds, time, and energy).

Example formulation of the problem:

* Is the project-based learning can improve learning achievement specific geography basic competence base maps and mapping skills in class XII IPS Wonosari SMA Muhammadiyah in 2007/2008?
* Is the project-based learning can enhance the activity of students in participating in learning basic skills on basic competency maps and mapping class XII IPS Wonosari SMA Muhammadiyah in 2007/2008?
* Is the problem-based learning can improve students' mathematics learning SMPN 5 Jepara?
* Is the problem-based learning can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes SMPN 5 Jepara?


Describe the approach and concepts used to address the problems examined, in accordance with the rules of classroom action research (which includes: planning-action-observation / evaluation-reflection, which is recycled or cycle). Way to solve the root cause of the problem has shown the problems and forms of action (action) is supported by a comprehensive and well data.


Describe clearly the study of theory and literature that fosters the idea behind the research to be conducted. Pose the theory, findings and other research material which is understood as a reference, which is used as the basis to demonstrate the adequacy of measures to be taken to address these research problems. This description is used to construct a frame of mind or a concept to be used in research. At the end of the hypotheses put forward measures that describe the success rate measures the expected / anticipated.


Relate briefly the research objectives to be achieved by basing on the issues raised. General and special purpose clearly defined, so that it looks its success.


Describe the results of the study contribute to the quality of education and / or learning, so it appears the benefits for students, teachers, and other educational components. Relate innovation that will result from this research.


Give a clear description of research procedures to be performed. Indicate the object, setting the time and location of the study clearly. Procedures should be detailed from perencanaan-tindakan-observasi/evaluasi-refleksi, which are recycled or cyclical. Indicate cycles research activities by outlining the level of success achieved in one cycle before moving on to another cycle. The number of cycles required for more than two cycles.


Make a study schedule that includes the preparation, execution, and preparation of research reports in the form of a bar chart. For example, the schedule of activities organized during the 10-month study.


The number of research personnel maximum of 3 people. Describe the role and the amount of time spent in each form of the research efforts. Specify the name of research, class, rank, position, and institution where tasks, like the Endorsement Sheet.


1. Bibliography, which was written by the model consistently APA, MLA or Turabian.
2. CVs Chief Researcher and Member Researcher (If the research collaboration)
3. Describe the experience of the relevant studies have been produced to date

Proposal 4 is divided as follows:
1. Research Proposal Development
2. Proposal Library Research Studies
3. Qualitative Research Proposal
4. Quantitative Research Proposal

1. Research Proposal Development
Activities that generate design or product that can be used to solve actual problems. In this case, the development activities focused on the utilization of theories, concepts, principles, or research findings to solve problems.

Theses, theses, and dissertations written on the work of development and systematic format requires a different thesis, theses, and dissertations were written based on the results of the study, because the characteristics of the development and research activities are different.

Research activities are basically trying to find an answer to a problem, while the development activities to implement the findings or theories attempt to solve a problem.

2. Proposal Library Research Studies
Study carried out to solve a problem that is basically a critical and in-depth study of the materials of the relevant literature. A literature review of this kind is usually done by collecting data or information from various sources libraries were then presented with new ways or for new purposes.

In this case the library materials is necessary as a source of ideas to explore new thoughts or ideas, as a basis for deduction from existing knowledge, so that a new theoretical framework can be developed, or as a basis for solving the problem.

3. Qualitative Research Proposal
The research is intended to express the symptoms in a holistic and contextual data collection from the natural setting by using self-research as a key instrument. Qualitative research is descriptive and tend to use inductive analysis approach. Process and meaning (subject perspective) more highlighted in qualitative research.

The characteristics of qualitative research report color and shape properties. Therefore, qualitative research reports are prepared in a narrative form that is creative and insightful and shows characteristics of a fully naturalistic authenticity.

4. Quantitative Research Proposal
A study which basically uses deductive-inductive approach. This approach departs from the theoretical framework, the idea of ​​the experts, or the understanding of the researcher based on his experience, and then developed into the problems with his solutions were proposed to obtain justification (verification) in the form of empirical support in the field.

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