Selasa, 27 November 2012



Before we discuss how to quickly learn Arabic, we would like to clarify first: To whom this paper we addressed? Know that this paper we aimed to human class-3. Who are the three man group that?

Look. In studying Arabic, in our opinion, there are three classes of people.

Those who had the opportunity to study in boarding lodges. So they can learn every day with the direct guidance of the teachers.
Those who had the opportunity to study in places where courses. There was a study once a week, twice a week, or more than that.
They are only learned through your books.
Well, so the text is addressed to those who are studying Arabic at home through books, without the guidance of teacher intensive. However, we do not ban people groups 1 and 2 to read this article. Insha Allah there is also a benefit for them to further increase the quality of their learning.

 Then, how to quickly learn Arabic for class-3 to this?

Before we answer this question, we want to explain first about understanding "how fast" here to avoid misunderstandings.

For example like this:

- The A to learn Arabic. Within 6 months he was able to read the book bald.

- The B learn Arabic. Within 5 months he was able to read the book bald.

- The C learn Arabic. Within four months he was able to read the book bald.

Of these three, which is the most rapid learning? Of course, the C, right. Well, so what we mean how fast is the way to master the Arabic language in the shortest possible time with maximum results. So, is not our intent to "how fast" it is a way to master the Arabic language in an instant. For example, a day or two to learn instantly. Because that would need a process called learning. The scholars have told us that to master something takes a long time. Remind a testament Imam Shafi'i?

Why are we discussing this?

Therefore, based on our observations, sometimes there are people who have long since learned basic Arabic. For example, he has learned more than a year. But he still can not read the book and can not understand the bare basic rules of Arabic. What is the cause? There are a lot of factors. In our opinion, there are four main factors:

Factors learners.
Factors learning.
Factors studied guide books.
Factors companion.
Or in other words, if we want to quickly master the Arabic language, then we have:

Using adab in the study.
Using an effective way of learning.
Choosing the right guide book.
Having a companion as a place to ask and consult.

Now, let us discuss one by one

1. Conduct of the study.

On Demand adab science, we have discussed in EBOOK "SUCCESS STRATEGY WITHOUT TEACHERS LEARN ARABIC". Please read again. This time we just want to emphasize the importance and seriousness STRONG DESIRE to learn Arabic. Therefore, a person who has a strong desire and willingness to learn, he would exert all means to be Arabic. For example, to buy books, ask, buy dictionaries, searching the internet, etc.. Unlike the people who have no passion and sincerity. For more details about the passion and sincerity, please read the EBOOK "THE POWER OF Koran".

2. Effective way of learning.

Could someone can quickly master the Arabic language if he just learned a week. Wallohu knows best. It seems very difficult. Maybe he can speak Arabic, but a very long time.

If you wanna fast, so he had to learn every day. He must spend a minimum of one hour a day. If it could be more, it's even better. And it includes an effective way of learning. For more details, please read EBOOK "STRATEGY FOR SUCCESS WITHOUT TEACHERS LEARN ARABIC".

3. Choosing the right guide book.

The book is right Sometimes there are people who are almost 2 years to learn Arabic. However, he still can not understand the basic rules of the Arabic language. What is the cause? Because one of them in choosing guidebooks. He should have books that discuss rule coherently, but he instead used the contents of the book emphasizes conversation and expand vocabulary.

For those who first learned Arabic and wanna study at home, of course, need a book that can be understood himself. And Alhamdulillah, we've compiled the book FAHIMNA. The book is deliberately structured to be learned by the people of Indonesia for the first time to know Arabic and want to master it.

4. Looking for a companion.

Could someone could master the Arabic language itself with its own reading books rules Arabic at home, without the slightest questioning and asked for an explanation from someone else? I do not know. It seems, in our opinion, one still needs a companion study that could help him when it has difficulty learning. Because the Arabic language lessons, there are some materials that do need an explanation from the person who can. It is very difficult to learn alone.

Therefore, usahkanlah to find a companion in learning. Who are the people, which is important he can give an explanation when needed. For example, teacher at boarding school, where recitation, Islamic magazine editor, etc..

From the brief description above, we deliberately make ARABIC TRAINING DISTANCE (PBAJJ). Our goal is to provide acceleration in understanding Arabic for people who are new to the Arabic language. In this tutorial, we provide:

A description of manners in the study.
An explanation of how to learn effectively.
Appropriate handbook

Such an explanation from us. Hope can be understood. Congratulations learn Arabic!

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