Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Appreciation of Drama

Appreciation of Drama
Drama: Based on etymology (asalusul form of words) the word drama comes from the Greek drachma which means motion. Watch the drama is menojolkan conversation (dialogue) and the movements of the players (acting) stage.
Drama is often called called a play or theater. The word theater comes from the Java code, which means secret and that means teaching warah. The play bearti teachings delivered in secret or openly. Why? Because of the play plays sebenranya contains message / teaching (especially moral teachings) to the audience. (Asul Wiyanto, 2007: 1-2)

Drama and theater both have a function that shows the scenes in the play to deliver the message that was exhibited by the characters. So that the audience enjoyed and thought that the staging contains elements of life such as religious, social, economic, romance, culture, and behavior in kehupan

Type Drama
According Wiyanto, 2007: 7-10
bedasarkan drama presentation types can play in katagorina into 8 types namely;
1. tagedi drama (grief story) is a drama full of sadness.
2. comedy drama (love story) is a heart stimulator drama. The drama is full of cuteness that causes laughter.
3. targekomedi drama tagedi is a blend of drama and comedy. Fill lakonnya full kesedihanm, but also menggandung things exciting and intriguing liver. Sad and happy turns.
4. opera drama is the drama of the dialogue is sung with musical accompaniment. The song is sung by a different player with a song sung by other players. Similarly pengiringgnya rhythm. This kind of drama is put singing and music, while lakonnya as a means. Opera Short name operetta.
5. drama drama melodrama is a dialogue spoken accompaniment melody / music. Of course, how to pronounce it in accordance with the accompanying music. Even sometimes the players do not say anything.
6. drama is the drama that resembles farce dalegan, but not completely slapstick. Patterned comedy story. Laughter is raised through word and deed.
7. drama tableau is a kind of drama that promotes movement. The players did not say a dialogue, but just do geerakan-motion. The storyline can be seen through the movements.
8. ballet drama is a combination of art, drama and dance. The players are talented dancers. The series of events are realized in the form of dance music lacks. There is no dialogue only occasionally assisted brief narrative for the audience to know the events that are staged.
Based on the facilities / equipment used to convey to the audience (audience, viewers, or listeners), drama can be divided into six types, namely;
1. stage drama played by the actors on the stage. Spectators were around the stage and can enjoy directly with the actions of the actors, mendengarkankan dialogue, even if you want to and be touched.
2. radio drama can not be seen and touched, but could only be heard oelh connoisseur.
3. TV drama can be heard and seen (though only the image). Almost the same as drama penggung, only difference, the television drama can not be touched. Television drama can ditanyangkan directly, can also be recorded first and then ditanyangkan anytime according to program TV program.
4. drama movies similar to television drama. The difference, drama movies using wide screen and usually showcased in theaters. However, the film can also ditanyangkan drama television studio that spectators can enjoy in their homes.
5. typical puppet show drama drama dilaog is no story. Therefore, all forms of spectacle mengandug story called drama, including shadow puppet show (Java) or a puppet show (Sunda). the characters portrayed with the puppet or marionette (little doll) played by the puppeteer.
6. drama is almost the same as the puppet dolls. difference, the doll plays the character portrayed by puppets played by several people. in fact, if a large puppet (in which there are) dolls can play alone without playing puppeteer.

Some Terms in Drama
1. Babak is a part of the play plays. satulakon drama maybe more. in the play, the line between round one and round marked by falling screen, or the stage lights turned off the lights for a moment. When the light turned back on or the screen is closed again, there is usually a change in the arrangement of the stage that describes the different settings. Both setting the place, time, and atmosphere terjadinnya an event.
2. scene is part of the innings. a scene just describe the atmosphere that is part of the atmosphere-an atmosphere in a round. whenever there is replacement of the scene is not always followed by the replacement setting.
3. Prologue is a prologue in the play drama. Prolog played a major role in preparing the minds of the audience in order to follow the story (stories) that will be presented. That is why, the prologue contains a synopsis of the play often, introductory characters in the cast. and conflicts will happen on stage.
4. epilogue is the final word to end the play. content, usually in the form of conclusions or teachings that can be taken from the audience play just presented.
5. dalah conversational dialogue the players. dialogue plays a very important role as a director act drama. That is, the way the story plays were known by the audience through dialogue the players. that the dialogue was not bland, the pronunciation should be accompanied by emotional inspiration. In addition, the pronunciation should be clear and loud enough to be heard all the spectators. a player who whispered, for example, must, must be sought in order to still be able to listen to the promptings penontn.
6. monologue is a conversation with a player himself. what was said was not directed at anyone else. Contents, perhaps an expression of joy, a plan that will be implemented, the attitude towards an event, etc..
7. expression is the expression of facial gestures (facial expressions) to show the emotions experienced players. Player facial expression is sad of course different when angry.

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