Oil is mined is still a crude oil can not be used.
To be used as a fuel and other applications, crude oil needs to be processed in
oil refineries by distillation story with fractionation techniques. The basic
principle of graded refining didihdi point is the difference between crude oil
fractions. If the difference in boiling points is not much different from the
distillation can not be applied (See Table 9.1).
Figure 9.5 Distillation of petroleum at night
Hydrocarbons which has the lowest boiling point will
separate first, followed by hydrocarbon that has a higher boiling point. So,
gradually, hydrocarbons can be separated from the mixture of crude oil.
Table 9.1 Crude Oil Distillation Process Being
Factions Petroleum
The amount of distillate Atom C Applications
Residues 1 - 45-1011 - 1516-20
> 50 gas fuels, plastics, material kimiaBahan
liquid fuel (gasoline), Materials kimiaBahan aircraft fuel, stove fuel, diesel
fuel kimiaBahan materials, chemicals
Lubricants, candles, night (wax)
Asphalt, an anti-leak (waterproof)
Fraction of crude oil refining is the first out of
the hydrocarbon compounds with low molecular mass, less than 70 sma. Faction is
packaged in pressurized cylinders until melted. The results of treatment in
this fraction is known as LPG (liquid petroleum gas). After all the factions
teruapkan, the next fraction is the fraction of gasoline coming out.
Temperatures were applied to remove this fraction ranged from 40-200 ° C. At
these temperatures, hydrocarbons ranging from pentane to octane excluded from
the distillation (see boiling point of pentane to octane). At room temperature,
the form of the liquid fraction is colorless to slightly yellow and volatile.
So on until all the fractions can be separated in stages based on differences
in their boiling points. The results of the fractionation is leaving residue
called solid black asphalt.
1. Petroleum cracking
To meet the needs of a particular product,
long-chain hydrocarbons that can be broken down into shorter through the
process of cracking (cracking). In contrast, short-chain hydrocarbons can be
combined into longer chain (reforming). To increase the fraction of gasoline
can be done by breaking long-chain hydrocarbons into fractions (C5-C9) through
thermal cracking. Cracking process is carried out at a temperature of 500 ° C
and a pressure of 25 atm. Saturated straight chain hydrocarbons such as
kerosene (C12H26) can direngkahkan into two shorter fragments into compounds
hexane (C6H14) and hexene (C6H12) C12H26 (l) → C6H14 (l) + C6H12 (l)
The presence of hexene (alkenes) from the results of
thermal cracking to increase the octane number of 10 units. However, the
products of the cracking process is generally less stable when stored for a
long time. Because products are generally less stable thermally cracking the
thermal cracking techniques replaced by catalytic cracking catalyst performed
at high temperature and high pressure. Catalytic cracking, such as long-chain
alkanes is reacted with a mixture of silicon (SiO2) and alumina (Al2O3), plus
hydrogen gas or a particular catalyst. In reforming, small molecules are
combined into molecules is greater. This is done to increase the gasoline
product. For example, butane and propane reacted to form heptane. The equation:
C4H10 (g) + C3H8 (g) → C7H16 (l) + H2 (g)
2. Numbers OktanMinyak Earth
Important fraction of petroleum is gasoline.
Gasoline is used as a motor vehicle fuel (please see Figure 9.6). Approximately
10% of product distillate fractions of crude oil is gasoline with unbranched
chains. In the high-pressure engine, burning straight gasoline chain uneven and
shock waves that cause the engine knock occurs. If you leave this knock can
lead to engine heat and can be easily damaged. Size distribution burning
gasoline to prevent knock used the term octane. Octane number is the number
ratio between the value of the gasoline knock knock value of the standard
hydrocarbon mixture. Mixture of hydrocarbons that is used as an octane number
is a standard n-heptane and 2,2,4-trimethylpentanes (isooctane). Octane to mix
87% isooctane and 13% n-heptane was set at 87 units. Terdapattiga octane
measurement methods, namely:
a. measurements on high-speed and temperature, the
results are expressed as the number oktanmesin;
b. measurements at moderate speeds, the result is
called the research octane number;
c. pure hydrocarbon measurement, called the road
octane index.
Some pure hydrocarbons are shown in Table 9.2.
Table 9.2 Numbers Octane Hydrocarbon
Hydrocarbons Octane Road Index Numbers
n-heptane 0
2-metilheptana 23
n-hexane 25
2-metilheksana 44
1-heptena 60
n-pentane 62
1-pentena 84
1-butene 91
Cyclohexane 97
2,2,4-trimethyl pentane 100
The higher the octane value, resistance to knock the
stronger (no knock). It is owned by 2,2,4-trimethylpentanes (isooctane),
whereas n-heptane has the highest knock. Because 2,2,4-trimethylpentanes has
the highest octane number (100) and the lowest n-heptane (0) then mix the two
compounds used as the standard for measuring octane. To obtain the highest
octane number, rather than by the composition of the mixture is optimized also
added an additive, such as tetraetillead (TEL) or Pb (C2H5) 4. The addition of
6 mL TEL into one gallon of gasoline to increase octane number of 15-20 units. Gasoline
has been added TEL with octane number 80 is called premium gasoline. Another
method to increase the octane number is a thermal reforming. This technique is
used to convert straight-chain alkanes into branched alkanes and cycloalkanes.
This technique is carried out at high temperature (500-600 ° C) and high
pressure (25-50 atm).
3. Using Oil As Fuel
Most of the petroleum products used as fuel, good
fuel in domestic, industrial and vehicle fuel. Fuel oil is used in household
kerosene and LPG. Kerosene from kerosene fractions, whereas LPG from gas
fraction. Besides being used as stove fuel, petroleum is also used as an
automotive fuel. Petroleum products used as motor vehicle fuel is gasoline and
diesel. Gasoline contains about hundreds of types of hydrocarbons with carbon
chain number between 5 and 10. Diesel oil used as a fuel for diesel vehicles.
There are three types of gasoline on the market, the premium, Pertamax and
Pertamax plus. What is the difference between the premium and pertamax? Both
types are distinguished from fuel octane number. Octane number states the
number of beats in the resulting gasoline engine. The greater the octane
number, the less the amount of knock. That is, the greater the octane number,
the better the quality of gasoline. Octane value can be calculated using the
following formula. Octane Numbers = (% isooctane × 100) + (% n-heptane × 100)
Pertamax has an octane number greater than the premium. Pertamax octane number
is 94, while the premium is only 88. Octane number can be improved through a
variety of ways, including by adding TEL (tetra ethyl lead), MTBE (methyl
tertiary ether buthyl), and HOMC (high octane mogas component). The addition of
these substances can increase the octane number between 3-5 points.
4. Using Oil As Raw Materials Petrochemical Industry
In addition to fuel, oil can also be used as a base
for the manufacture of other products. For example, plastics, explosives,
detergents, nylon, urea, and methanol. The products of petroleum are called
petrochemicals. A petrochemical industry can be made of a compound of alkenes
(olefins), benzene and its derivatives (aromatic), and synthetic gas. The raw
material for the petrochemical industry are produced from fractions of
petroleum processing results. For more details, watch the following table.
Table 7.2 Raw Materials and Products Produced
Petrochemical Industry
Example Petrochemical Raw Materials Petroleum
Products Origin Faction Generated
Alkene compounds polythene Ethene gas fraction,
ethanol, Polyvinylchloride
Propylene gas fraction Polypropylene
2-methyl propylene gas fraction MTBE
Benzene and its derivatives (aromatic) benzene
naphtha fractions detergents, explosives
Synthetic Gas Methane Methanol gas fraction, urea
5. Impact Petroleum Product Combustion
Burning fuel can last two ways are perfect and
imperfect combustion. Complete combustion produces considerable energy compared
to incomplete combustion. But the resulting CO2 gas can cause the greenhouse
effect (greenhouse effect). Combustion reaction:
CH4 (g) + 2 O2 (g) → CO2 (g) + 2 H2O (g) + Energy
CO2 is a colorless gas, odorless, water-soluble,
short-wave sunlight forward but resist the reflection of solar energy
wavelengths (infrared light). If the number exceeds the threshold (greater than
330 ppm), it will cause shortness of breath and forming a "sheath" in
the atmosphere. CO2 has the ability to withstand long-wave solar energy so that
the heat can not be released into space. Events trapping sunlight by CO2 gas is
called the greenhouse effect. As a result, the earth's temperature to rise or
better known as global warming. Just imagine if the temperature of the earth is
up, what happens? Is not ice at both poles of the earth will melt? Get imagine
what impact the next?
Incomplete combustion of fossil fuels will produce
soot that can contaminate equipment such as home appliances, engine, exhaust,
and others. Thus accelerating damage to the device. It also produces CO gas
that can cause poisoning. Imperfect combustion reaction:
2 CH4 (g) + 3 O2 (g) → 2 CO (g) + 4 H2O (g) + Energy
CO gas is a colorless gas, odorless, tasteless and
soluble in water. CO gas has a higher holding capacity than oxygen to
hemoglobin, so that human inhalation causes the blood contains more CO than
oxygen. Symptoms that arise when CO gas poisoning are shortness of breath,
decreased memory, decreased visual acuity, and a tired heart. The body will
lack of oxygen supply, as a result of weakness, fainting, and even lead to
death. Reaction:
CO (g) + Hb (aq) → HbCO (aq)
Burning fossil fuels also produces other pollutants
such as sulfur oxides (SO2 and SO3), nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2), and dust
particles. These gases if the entry in the air can cause acid rain. Gas SO2 is
a colorless gas but the smell was overpowering and soluble in water. CO2 can be
oppressive, painful eyes, and turn off the leaves because it is toxic to the
chlorophyll. Gas SO2 and SO3 in the damp air can react with water vapor to form
acid. Her reaction:
SO2 (g) + H2O (l) → H2SO3 (aq)
Reacts with O2 to form SO3 then reacts with water
vapor to form sulfuric acid. Her reaction:
2 SO2 (g) + O2 (g) → 2 SO3 (g)
SO3 (g) + H2O (l) → H2SO4 (aq)
Sulfuric acid in the air humid rain water-soluble so
that rain water is acidic, also known as acid rain. Acid rain can cause plants
and animals that do not survive in the acidic conditions will die, and
furniture from corroded metal. In addition to SO2 and SO3 gas, NO and NO2 gas
can also cause acid rain. NO gas is a colorless gas but toxic. NO gas can react
with O2 produces NO2. Her reaction:
2 NO (g) + O2 (g) → 2 NO2 (g)
NO2 is red brown, foul-smelling, easily soluble in
water, and toxic. NO2 can cause cancer because it is carcinogenic. These gases
also have the potential to be a greenhouse gas that can cause the greenhouse
effect. NO and NO2 gas is also a catalyst in the decomposition of ozone in the
stratosphere. Given the impact of oil and limited mineral resources in the
world, so from now sought alternative energy such as:
1. licol / cleaned coal (source-News Special
Bulletin for Citizens August 2006);
2. biodiesel from castor oil (source Junior-Suara
Merdeka October 1, 2006);
3. biodiesel (ethanol from sugar cane, corn oil,
palm oil);
4. biogas from compost / manure;
5. nuclear power;
6. geothermal energy / geothermal;
7. power falls;
8. sea wave power;
9. wind power;
10. solar power.
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