Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

Air pollution

Water pollution can occur in both water wells, springs, rivers, dams, and water. Pollution in upstream areas may impact downstream. The impact of water pollution that really stood out was the extinction of aquatic biota such as fish, crab, shrimp, and aquatic insects. Another impact is flooding due to clogged gutter trash, followed by the spread of gastroenteritis outbreaks.
Water pollution is the event of the entry of a substance or other components (pollutants) into the waters so that the quality of water decreases. Therefore the quality of the water in an ecosystem is very important especially for living waters. If the water is polluted, then life would be disturbed therein.
B. Occurrence Pollution Causes
Judging from the origin of pollutants and sources of pollution, water pollution can be caused by agricultural waste, household waste, industrial waste, tanker leaks oil (marine pollution), poisoning by a person who fishes with a tuba (poison).
1. Agricultural Waste
Agricultural waste can contain pollutants intektisida or organic fertilizer. Intektisida river biota that can be deadly. If the biota of the river is not dead but then eaten by animals or humans, then people will eat poisoned. To prevent this, try to choose a narrow-spectrum insecticides (specifically kill the target animal) and are biodegradable (biodegradable) and spraying in accordance with the rules. Do not discard the medication into the river. Organic fertilizers are soluble in water can lead to nutrient enrichment in water (eutrophication). Because the nutrient-rich water, algae and aquatic plants flourish (blooming). Explosion aquatic plants reduce the oxygen supply to other living creatures. In addition, the abundance of aquatic plants, causing many not consumed by the consumer, ultimately nati and settles in the bottom waters. Such things would threaten the harmony of the dam. The dam will quickly so shallow.
2. Household Waste
Liquid household waste is a source of water pollution. Of liquid household waste can be found a variety of organic materials (eg leftover vegetables, fish, rice, oil, grease, water, human waste) water-borne sewer, then follow the river. There are also inorganic materials such as plastic, aluminum, and a bottle of water swept away. Garbage piled clog drains and cause flooding. Other pollutants from household waste is biological contamination of germs, bacteria, and fungi.
Organic materials dissolved in the water will undergo decomposition and decay. In the process, decomposition and spoilage bacteria use oxygen. As a result, oxygen levels in the water dropped precipitously. Biota water will die from it. If contamination of organic materials increases, we can find Tubifex worms are reddish clustered. This worm is a biological instruction (bioindicator) severity of contamination by organic material from the waste settlement.
In the cities, the water got blackish color and emit strong odors. In the water drains so no living organisms except bacteria and fungi. Compared with industrial waste, household waste in urban areas in Indonesia reaches 60% of all existing waste.
3. Industrial Waste
There are some industries that dump waste into the waters. Kinds of pollutants produced depend on the type of industry. For example, in the form of foul-smelling organic pollutants, such as inorganic pollutants are usually bubbly and colorful, form acidic pollutants sulfur stink, and pollutants in the form of hot liquid so that the water gets hot. The government has set regulations to control water pollution by industrial waste. For example, industrial waste must be treated before it is disposed of so as not to pollute the waters.
At sea often leak oil tanker collided with another ship due. The oil spill in the submerged ocean ship within hundreds of miles. The fish and the coral reefs are threatened with extinction. Seabirds, marine animals die from it a lot. To overcome this, pollutants limited by floating pipe so as not to spread, then the pollutant surface sprinkled with substances that can break down the oil.
4. Catching Fish Using Poison
Some residents and fishermen use the tuba (toxins from plants), or cyanide (poison), or the flow of electricity to catch fish. As a result, the dead not only catch fish, but also of all aquatic biota. Such actions are very detrimental to the environment and the preservation of aquatic biota.
Poisons and deadly power not only adult animals, but the animals are still small. Thus, it will destroy the species living in it. If living things have become extinct, humans would not be able to bring it back. Fishing activities by the lead contamination in the aquatic environment and water resources decline.

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