Appreciation of
literary works
of literature is a form of reaction kinetics and verbal reactions to literature
a reader who heard or read.
of appreciation are absorbed from the English word meaning appreciation award.
Appreciation of literature means respect for literature. Appreciation of
literature trying to accept literature as something he deserves and recognize
the value of literature as something that is true. Appreciation of literature
is carried out through a gradual process.
Stage know and enjoy
this stage, we are dealing with a work. Then we take an action such as read,
see or watch, and listen to a literary work.
Phase appreciate
this stage we feel the benefits or value of literary works that have been
enjoyed. The benefit here deals with the usability literature. For example,
give pleasure, amusement, satisfaction, and expand their horizons and outlook
on life.
Stage of understanding
this stage we do the researching and analyzing the elements of the building
works of literature, both intrinsic element or elements ekstrinsiknya. Finally,
we conclude the literature. Is literature include whether or not, useful or not
for the literary?
Phase appreciation
this stage we make a further analysis of the previous stage, then make
interpretations to literature and to develop arguments based on analysis
conducted in the previous stage.
Stage application or application
the values, ideas, insights absorbed the earlier stages properly internalized,
so that people can realize the audience of literary values in the attitude
and behavior of day-to-day.
the appreciation of literary activity is defined as a process to know, enjoy,
understand, and appreciate a literary work deliberately, consciously, and
critically so growing understanding and appreciation of literature.
to Big Indonesian Dictionary, the literature is:
language (words, style) used in the books (not the everyday language).
paper that when compared to other writing has various advantages such
characteristic originality, artistry, beauty in content and expression.
in the general sense is that writing is an expression of human experience
through language that impressive. Contained in the literature of ideas,
thoughts, feelings, and experiences of a typical human, and expressed in
beautiful language. Jakob Sumardjo said that literature has the body and soul.
The soul of literature in the form of thoughts, feelings, and human experience.
Her body was merely the expression of a beautiful language. Literary works have
three characteristics attached to it.
Literature that provide entertainment.
the depths of the human heart hardwired love of beauty. Humans are creatures
who love beauty. The literary work is an expression of the beauty of it.
Therefore, a good literary work is always a pleasure to read.
Literature shows the truth of human life.
the literature revealed a variety of human experience: good-bad, right-wrong,
fun-sad, and so on. Therefore, another man can take a lesson from the
Literature beyond the limits of nation and age.
values of truth, ideas or ideas in literary works good is universal so it can
be enjoyed by any nation. Also good literary works can break through the
boundaries of time. This means that they remain relevant literature throughout
the ages.
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