Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

BEHAVIOR BLESSED (FAIR, blessing, sacrifice)

BEHAVIOR BLESSED (FAIR, blessing, sacrifice)
1. a. Understanding fair
The word fair is often synonymous with the word al musawah (equation) and al qisth (moderate / balanced) and a fairly opposed to the word dzalim said. This principle is really a noble character that is emphasized in Islamic law, so it is natural that the guidelines and rules of religion are all built on the foundation of justice and the whole man was ruled to be fair.
Justice is giving rights to those who deserve it without any abatement, and put everything in place that actually matters without persecution, and to say the right with no one to fear but to God Almighty alone.
It means: "O you who believe, be ye really upholders of justice, bearing witness Because Allah, even against yourselves or your parents and relatives. if iaKaya or poor, then God knows better kemaslahatannya. Do not follow your passions Wanting to deviate from the truth. and if ye distort (words) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well aware of all that ye do. (Surat an-Nisa ': 135)
Islam commanded us that we should be fair to all people. the fairness of a Muslim towards a loved one, and the fairness of a Muslim against a hated person. So the feeling of love is not conspiring with falsehood, and hate that feeling did not prevent him from being just (aware) and gives truth to the right.
Allah says: "O you who believe, be ye truly uphold justice, bearing witness for Allah alone, even against yourselves or your father and mother and relatives." (An-Nisa ': 135)
1. b. The arguments about fair
It means: "And Allah has raised the heavens, and he put the balance (of justice) .8. That you do not exceed the limits of balance itu.9. And Tegakkanlah scales fairly and do not reduce the balance sheet. ". (Surat ar-Rahman :7-9)
Meaning: 'We Have sent our messengers with the real evidence and Had we sent down with them the Book and the balance (justice) so that people can carry out justice. and we are made of iron that her great strength and benefits to humans, (that they use iron) and that Allah may know who helps (religion) and His Messengers and Allah has not seen him. Surely Allah is Strong, Mighty. (Surat al-Hadidi: 25)
And God Ahkamul Hâkimîn rule for absolute justice,
"And when you say, then ye be fair even though he is a relative of (mu)." (Surat al-An'am: 152)
"O you who believe, be the person you really upholders of justice, bearing witness for Allah, even against yourselves or mother father and your kinsfolk. If he is rich or poor, Allah knows better kemaslahatannya. So do not you follow the desires and deviate from the truth. And if you distort (words) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye work. "(Surat an-Nisa ': 135)
And Lord of the Izzah still commanded to do justice even against his own enemies,
"O you who believe, let you become the people who always uphold the (truth) for Allah, bearing witness with justice. And do not ever something of the hatred towards, encouraging you to do injustice. Be fair, as fair it is closer to piety. And fear Allah, surely Allah is Aware of what you do. "(Surat al-Ma` idah: 8)
And Allah praised those who act justly,
"And of those whom We created there are people who guide to the right, and with the right of it (also) those administering justice." (Surat al-A'raf: 181)
And His Prophet has commanded to declare,
"And I am commanded to do justice among you." (Surat ash-Shura: 15)
1. c. Example snippet fair behavior
Abu Yusuf sat on the bench, then came someone with al-Hadi, the Abbasid monarch dispute a garden, Abu Yusuf saw that the truth is in the hands of the man, while the sultan came to bring the witnesses, the Qadi said: your opponent ask you to swear that the honest witnesses. then al Hadi did not want to swear, because it lowers his authority, Abu Yusuf then return it to its owner ketun
Qadi Muhammad ibn Umar at thalhi call almanshur Caliph al Abbasi and some porters to majlis court yard of the mosque, he sat on both sides in front of him, then he won the case for the porters.
Samarkand resident complaints to the Commander of the believers, Omar bin Abdul aziz on Qutaibah army commander, as the Muslims go and fight for their country without any prior warning as required by the Shari'ah al-Qur'an, the believers amirul divert their complaints to the Qadi, and population Samarkand win the case, because Qadhi making decisions for Muslims to get out of Samarkand.
1. 2. Ridho
1. a. Understanding Ridho
2. b. Types Ridho
In seserorang life there are some things to put up a pleasure, at least the following four types:
1. 1. Ridha to the commands and prohibitions of Allah
This means that for the sake of obeying Allah and His Messenger. In essence a person who had uttered two sentences creed, can be interpreted as a statement of the value and pleasure of all the Islamic Shari'a.
1. 2. Ridha against taqdir God.
There are two major attitude for someone when he was hit by something unexpected, namely pleasure and patience. Ridha is a virtue that is recommended, while the patient is imperative and necessity that needs to be done by a Muslim.
The difference between the patient and the patient is pleased is abstinence and curb the behavior of hatred, though painful and expect will soon be passing the accident. While pleasure is the spaciousness of the soul in receiving taqdir Allah swt. And make their own pleasure as an antidote. Because in his heart always embedded either presumptive (Husnuzan) to the Creator for the sake of the exam is generating enthusiasm for getting closer to God, and the more engrossing himself to bermusyahadah to God.
1. 3. Ridha against parental orders.
Ridha the parent command is a form of obedience to Allah swt. due to the good pleasure of Allah depends on the pleasure of the parents, as represented God's command in Sura Luqman (31) verse 14. Even the Prophet said: "Allah's pleasure depends on the good pleasure of the parents, and the wrath of God's wrath dependent parents". That's the high value of the pleasure of the parents in our lives, so as to obtain the pleasure of Allah, requires the pleasure of the parents. Remember the story of Juraij, although experts worship him, he got the wrath of God because she was offended when he ignored her calls.
1. 4. Ridha to the rules and laws of the State
Obeying the rules in force are part of the teachings of Islam and is a form of obedience to Allah swt. because that will ensure order and social order. as the word of God contained in the Q.S. an-Nisa: 59. Ulil Amri means the person authorized, as scholars and umara (Scholars and government). Scholars with the fatwa and his advice while umara with regulations and legislation in force.
Included in the pleasure of the rules and laws of the country are pleased to school rules, because with such an attitude, then help yourself, parents, teachers and schools in achieving educational goals. Thus prepare a cadre of powerful nations.
1. c. Postulate Ridho
Meaning: "If they are truly pleased with what Allah and His Messenger to them, and said:" Allah is sufficient for us, God will give you some of His bounty, and so (also) His Messenger, It really is like the those who wish to God, "(surely that is better for them). (Surat At-Tawbah: 59)

1. d. Example Behavior Ridho
Δ In a story of Abu Darda ', once the funeral of a family, one of whose family members died. The family was pleased and steadfast and praising Allah. So Abu Darda 'said to them. "You are right, Allah swt. when deciding a case, then he's happy if taqdirnya accepted willingly or pleasure.
So much virtue pleasure, to scholars of the Salaf said, it will not appear in the next highest degree than those who always good pleasure of Allah swt. in any situation.
Δ In the history recounted as follows: One day Ali bin Abi Talib ra see Ady bin Hatim moping, then Ali asked: "Why do you look sad heart?". Ady replied: "How can I not grieve, two people were killed and eyes tercongkel son in battle". Ali was silent emotion, then said, "O Ady, any pleasure to the Almighty Allah taqdir. then taqdir that apply it and he got a reward, and anyone who is not pleased to taqdirNya then rose still apply it, and erased his charity ".
1. 3. Self-sacrifice
1. a. Understanding Willing to sacrifice
Means prepared sincerely willing heart, not expecting anything in return or with kemaun own. Sacrifice means to have something that belongs even causing suffering for himself. Self-sacrifice in the life of the community means being willing to voluntarily give something (power, wealth, or thought) for the benefit of another person or the community. Despite the temptation to sacrifice would inflict suffering upon himself.
1. b. Willing to sacrifice Types
As for the form of willing victims in their daily lives as follows:
1. Self-sacrifice in the family;
 The cost for a given school parents to their children
 Sincerity parents in maintaining, caring for and educating children
2. Self-sacrifice in the life of the school:
 Provision of the students in the form of donations of trees, plants and flowers to the school
 Students and teachers collect clothing donations worth taking to relieve the burden of the affected residents.
3. Self-sacrifice in the life of the community:
 Citizens worked together meperbaiki bridges damaged by landslides
 Citizens are able to become a volunteer teacher for children displaced out of school and can not afford
4. Self-sacrificing role in the life of the nation:
 The citizens of the state or society to pay taxes in accordance with applicable regulations, such as the motor vehicle tax, property tax
 Citizens give up some of their land for the construction of irrigation to obtain adequate reimbursement
1. c. Willing Sacrifice postulate
It means: "And if there are two classes of those who believe that war be ye reconcile between the two! but if the one violating the agreement against the other, in violation of the agreement that let you fight to recede back to the command of God. if he has been receding, make peace between them according to justice, and let justice; Surely Allah loves those who act justly. "(Surat al-Hujurat: 9)

1. d. Examples of self-sacrificing behavior
Abu Jahm bin Hudzaifah RA narrates, "When the battle of Yarmuk happened, I went to look for my cousin who was then at the forefront of the battle. I brought some water for him. Eventually I found my cousin was in a state of severely injured, so I walked over and tried to help with a little water that I carry. Suddenly I heard a groan Muslim soldiers severely wounded nearby. My cousin looked at him then motioned to me that the water was given to him. '
Abu Jahm then continued, "I then went close to the army, he was Hisham ibn Abil 'Ash. Before I get to the place terdengan also shouts from the direction which is not far from where he lay. Hisham had beckoned me to give water to the man, but before I reached him, the man had breathed his last. Then I rushed to get back to Hisham but he too had died. I quickly headed to my cousin's place, but he too has gone martyr. "Inna lillaahi wainna Ilaihi raajiuun ........
Similarly, the story of the struggle glimpse the Prophet's companions, they are willing to sacrifice to uphold kalimatullah.
1. 4. How to grow a fair behavior, blessings, and willing to sacrifice
 Fair
 Steer clear of selfishness when determining the two cases
 Putting goodness than evil people
 Be objktif Jiak see two different cases
 Ridho
 If something bad happens, let's just say it is a test that God gives
 Obey parents slightest command
 Complying with regulations set by the government for the people kemashalatan
 Receive all the blessings God gives
 Willing to sacrifice
 Always caring and attentive to the common good, the nation and the state other than personal interest.
 Love gives good examples and guidance to others.
 Love to give help to others
 Trustees and compassionate toward others or the environment.
 Keeping the nature of arrogant, selfish, hedonistic and matrialistis.
6) Wisdom Wisdom fair behavior, blessings, and willing to sacrifice
Good behavior for every individual Muslim must be in accordance with the principles of religion. some lessons from the above three manners are:
1. Can calm the mind or inner
2. Can increase the belief in Allah SWT
3. Creating a peaceful atmosphere with the community
 Concept
Fair is an excellent merit of providing kesampatan for the rights of others. Ridho is commendable attitude who gave up what had happened. While sacrifice is a gracefully accepting what God has given to us. The third behavior is a moral value that is needed to get closer to Allah swt, both in the mix as well as social activities in the family, society, and even the State.
 Principle
Everything good behavior is not out of the main base, al-Quran and al-Hadith. Highlighted as represented in surah an-Nisa'135 about the fair, Sura al-Maida: 119 of blessing, and surah al-Hujurat: 9 about sacrifice.
 Value
That apply commendable attitude was highly recommended by Islam. Therefore it is very lucky that they always apply this attitude in their daily lives, because that attitude will make good people do and the person that he please, or the environment in which he lived a peaceful atmosphere.

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