Kamis, 08 November 2012

A Brief History of Jayapura City

A Brief History of Jayapura City
Jayapura City Name originally was Holland where the name was given by Captain Sachse on March 7, 1910. What ari Holland: Hol = arch; bay land = land, a berteluk. Netherlands or Holland or the Netherlands - shows the state geography berteluk-bay. Geography Jayapura City is almost equal to the shoreline north of the country the Netherlands. Natural conditions squiggly is what inspired the name Captain sache to spark Hollandia in Numbay real name. Numbay renamed to 4 times: Hollandia-Kotabaru-Sukarnopura-Jayapura, which is now used is 'Jayapura'. First Mayor Drs. Flores Imbiri. 1979-1989. Mayor both Drs. Michael Manufandu, MA. 1989-1993. Mayor third Drs. Reomantyo the period 1994 to 1999. Mayor fourth Drs. M. R. Kambu, M.Si, the period 200-2005. Mayor fifth Drs. M. R. Kambu, M.Si period 2005-2010. Deputy Mayor H.Sudjarwo, BE.

Jayapura city has long been in contact with the outside world. This is indicated by the presence of people outside who had stopped in Papua was the Spaniards who had come into contact with the ocean and the people of Indonesia in general and people in particular Irian. History has recorded the whitewater ocean either one nation Spaniard named YNICO Ortis de Fretes. With a boat named "SAN JUAN" on May 16, 1545 departing from Tidore to Mexico. In the course of Ortis de Fretes arrived around the mouth of the river Mamberamo June 16, 1545 on behalf of NOVA GUINEA give to the people and land of Papua or Irian Jaya.
After the turn of Ortis de Frets Skipper - Skipper ocean, among others ALVARO DE MEMDANA NEYRA (1567), ANTOMIO MARTA (1591-1593), and others. It can be concluded that people Spanyolpun been no contact and touch with the people in Jayapura and the surrounding areas. Furthermore Besleit (Decree) Gubernemen East Indies No. 4, dated August 28, 1909 to the Assistant Resident, in Manokwari conjunct one detachment (4 + 80 army officers). In the decree, among others, stated (in Dutch) translated into Indonesian. Following on from the implementation of this decree, then on 28 September 1909 aboard the "EDI" landed a detachment of soldiers under the command of Infantry FJP Kepten Sachse, immediately began cutting trees 40 coconut trees, but also immediate payment of compensation should be made to the owner for 40 ringgit or 40 * 2.50 = f f 100, - (one hundred guilders / dollars). A very large amount of money at that time - 1910 another expert named KIELICH wrote "Hollandia kostte vierting (40) Rijk daalders" Jayapura cost 40 ringgit or f 100, - (one hundred guilders / dollars). Stand kompamen first batch of tents, but soon sought to establish estates of material around the itu.Penghuni-sourdough consists of 4 officers, 80 soldiers, 60 bearer, several assistants and wives of the armed forces , the total amounted to 290 people.
There are two streams of each Numbai and Anafri unified and empties into the bay Numbai or ODOT, as the popular Numbai estuaries. Numbai River - Anafri flows through a swampy ravine filled with trees and sago Cycloop eyed water in the mountains. Due to the German border patrol gave the name 'Germanihoek "(corner of Germania / Germany) to kompamennya, then Captain Sachse gave the name" Hollandia "to place them / the Netherlands.
Today so Hollandia / Jayapura described as follows: "On March 7, 1910 the day of bad weather but the atmosphere among the residents of exploration detachment is very good. The four brigades gathered in attitude around each flag ceremony with a neat and clean clothes, and with the shiny buttons. Captain / Sachse spoke first in Dutch, then in Malay with gusto. After that he gave the command: "In the name of the Queen raises the flag! Hopefully with God's protection will not be lowered all time ". As soon as the flag fluttering all plucked from the saber or bayonet scabbard and heard cries of "Rah-rah-rah". Born Hollandia / Jayapura without maternity hospitals, doctors, nurses and midwives in the morning. Congratulations!
Thus the anniversary of the city of Jayapura since March 7, 1910. The question arises why the original name of the location BAU O BWAI (Kayupulo language), popularly NUMBAI Hollandia replaced? Hollandia name giver is a Dutch-Captain Sachse, do not want to know and did not ask for approval of the land owner's location. The important thing is my taste Sachse from Holland / Netherlands. What does Hollandia? Hol = arch; bay, land = land; places. So Hollandia means land that curved or land / place berteluk. Netherlands or Holland or the Netherlands - shows the state geography berteluk bay. Georgrafi Jayapura city is almost the same as the northern coastline of the Netherlands that. Natural conditions these curves that inspired Captain Sachse to spark Hollandia name in the name of the original Numbay. Numbay overwritten or renamed to 4 times; Hollandia-Kotabaru-Sukarnopura-Jayapura, which is now used is "JAYAPURA".
Irian Jaya Indonesia definitively back to March 1, 1963. Since May 1, 1963 to the present (2005) already 42 years passed. There are so many advances and changes in Irian Jaya. Jayapura field of governance changes. The capital city of Jayapura divided into administrative (kotif) Jayapura. Based on Government Regulation No. RI. 26/1979 dated August 28, 1979 on the establishment of the Administrative City of Jayapura, the implementation of the provisions of No. Permendagri. 5 of 1979 and Instruction No. Mendagri. 30 In 1979, the city of Jayapura on Friday, September 14, 1979, in the City of Administraratif inaugurated by Mr Haji Amir Machmud, Interior Minister of the Republic of Indonesia. On the same day appointed Drs. Florens Imbiri as mayor of Jayapura by Mr. Haji Soetran, Governor KDH. Level I Irian Jaya. What is the inauguration of Kotif Jayapura office page Wanita Irian Jaya, Jl. Sam Ratulangi 5 Top Doc. Be the first administrative city in Irian Jaya, and the 12th in Indonesia, the first Mayor of Administrative Drs. Florens Imbiri 1979 - 1989, Mayor Administrative both Drs. Michael Manufandu, MA 1989-1993.
According to Law no. 6 In 1993, a Municipal City Administrative Jayapura Jayapura regency by the Minister of Home Affairs Mr. SM betempat Yogie field Mandala Jayapura. On the same day appointed Drs. R. Roemantyo as mayor of KDH. Level II Jayapura. KDH mayor. Level II Jayapura prepare and equip forces, autonomous agencies, and offices as well as vertical form City Council, in accordance with Law No., 5. KDH mayor in 1974 Level II Jayapura selected by City Council and was elected Drs R. Roemantyo as mayor of a definitive period 1994/1995-1998/1999. Secretariat City for the first time based on Yoka complex occupies the former APDN on the edge of Lake Sentani. Once the new office is located at Entrop completed, in July 1998 the office moved to Entrop at Jln. No. City Hall. 1 Entrop South Jayapura district. The baton of development followed by Drs. M. R Kambu, M.Si as Jayapura and JI Renyaan Mayor, Deputy Mayor SH Jayapura period 1999/2000 - 2004/2005. For the first time in the year 2004 - 2005 in the history of democracy in Indonesia in general and especially the city of Jayapura in local elections conducted directly by the people, where the people of Jayapura still give credence to Drs. MR Kambu, M.Si as Jayapura and Sudjarwo Mayor, Deputy Mayor BE Jayapura period from 2005 to 2010.

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