Senin, 05 November 2012


Understanding storyboard
Storyboard is radiant area of ​​an image sketch is used as a planning tool to visually show how the action of the story takes place.

Storyboard is a script that is poured in the form of pictures or sketches that are useful to better facilitate the cameraman in the shot. Storyboard literally means the basic story, the storyboard is an explanation of how someone would make a project. If likened to the making of the film, it can be said that the storyboard is tersebut.Lalu screenplay, what are the things that must be loaded on the storyboard? Things that need to be loaded on the storyboard include: visualization, sketch drawings, and audio available. So now how yach explanation must exist in the story board?
The development of software technology, we are finally making the two choices. Want fast even be considered lazy, or want to develop talent by staying in the conventional way? Storyboarding is one of the results of work of pure artistic skill to draw, which I think can not be replaced by software, but not after I found this Digital Storyboard.

Activists and professional video production house in the industry, would have been familiar with the Storyboard. This is the term for an illustrated storyline created before running the video production process, especially shooting. For several advertising agencies, Storyboard used to tell and convince his client would they make TVC concept. Storyboard is also a guide on when shooting, the entire crew of the production team sometimes melisting production purposes by reference to the storyboard.

Is Springboard, a software that can help us create a storyboard with a more effective and efficient course, though according to the Storyboard Maker, the results are not perfect. Could be, this is one of the subtle forms of rejection because it indirectly talent and experience to manually draw storyboards can be later replaced by software, although it is undeniable that artistic value and the main purpose of the storyboard made, more can be represented by a Storyboard Maker with the manual method.

This software can be seen in or for those who are interested in finding a variety of other comparable software, can search google with digital storyboard Using keywords. Springboard, is not the first to publish a digital storyboard software, there are a few more names of software designed specifically to create a storyboard. Software itself is highly recommended for both pre-production footage on a small scale, such as making short films, tvc, multimedia presentations, comics, and obviously this software is highly recommended for your deadline! With a record, you must first master the use of various tools contained therein.
What is a storyboard?

Planning is the key! Storyboards are graphic organizers that show scenes in a multimedia project in the form of a rough image. A storyboard will help you visualize how the pieces of content related to each other and will help shape the direction of your efforts when you create your project. With storyboards, you can map your original idea for communication to your audience. Evaluating storyboard will allow you to make adjustments to the early formative stages while the revision is still quite simple to do.
2. How to make your storyboard:
a. Record key points, ideas, and concepts under consecutive storyboard frames (see attached).
b. You should storyboard is essentially a kind of map, outlining all the major steps required to complete the learning objective (s) for the lesson.
c. Make a rough sketch visuals for each frame. Do not worry about polish at this point, you just want a visual idea clearly delineated.
d. Read your presentation while looking at storyboards and storyboard completes checklist:
o Is my visual clearly display the main idea of ​​my presentation?
o Do I as a simple visual aid that I can make it?
o Can I understand my audience visually completely in less than 30 seconds?
e. You can create your storyboard in the paper or other software such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Inspiration
3. Examples of storyboards
b.Word or PowerPoint (using an organization chart or flowchart)
c. Inspiration

The purpose storyboard
As a guide for those involved in it, from the director, scriptwriter, lighting, and cameraman
Memungkinkanseorang filmmakers to memprevisualisasikan ideas
As a tool to communicate the idea of ​​the film kesuluruhan
Explaining the narrative flow of a story
Role in the timing (timing) in sequence, these experiments with the camera viewpoint, migration and continuity (countinuity) between elements - elements in a frame.
Storyboard weaknesses and solutions
Ketidakdapatannya to show camera movements, and their optical effects, such as fading penglarutan or (Blur, Disolving)
By writing and schematic to describe what can not be described
Please note the perimeter of a stryboard (frame) to show perspective, selected from the whole space.
Who is using Storyboard
Advertising, to sell products to clients
Video Games, uses a lot of pre-planning including brainstorming concept of gaming and user interaction
TV series, is used only on a complex sequence
Mulitimedia, CD-Rom for education, training or tutorial programs
Web Design, to develop the team in making web design, defining and classifying elements such as images, animations, videos and illustrations
Industry and government videos, to showcase ideas when creating a project videos administration.

Storyboard Process
Thumbnail, the earliest stage of the illustrator used in panels depict sketches are still very simple as the index contains the serial number and camera movement or the movement of the characters were symbols of arrows.
Rough Pass, thumbnail revision stages and panels are used more than ever. At this stage, storyboard more readable by non illustrators such as performers, producers, cameramen, lighting crew and investors.
CleanUp / Final, final stage-ready. Is usually complete with narration, dialogue, description sound FX (the wind / lightning)
Aspect Ratio
Is a measure related to the width and height of a display (eg, 1.85: 1 or 2.35:1)
Standard Aspect Ratio
TV, Computer screen 1:33: 1
European 1.66:1
1.78:1 Widescreen TV
American 1.85:1
Panavision, Cinemascope 2.35:1
Calculating unit Aspect Ratio
Formula, Aspect Ratio = Width x Height

How to Make a Storyboard to Film
Storyboard is very important to describe to dispose of what you and your crew shot in a film would look like. With a little practice, your storyboards will not only speed up the filming process, but also enable you to fully Realize your artistic vision. With a little practice, you storyboard not only speed up the process of making the film, but it also allows you to fully realize your artistic vision.
Analyze your script. Depending on how hands-on you, you might storyboard key moments from the film, a few shots per scene, or any single camera movement. Sit down with the script and find scenes that are most important to you and your story. Focus on them first, and use that as your jumping-off point. Interesting note in the margin or keep separate records on the pad, note the page number and the scene.

Picture shot. Before you take a step further, you should ensure that you have a clear vision of what each shot will look like .. Think about how you would explain the shot to others, how it will look through the camera, how it will look to the audience and how it will look at you, watching from the outside. It is part of the process of previsualization, or "previz," which determines how the film will look.

Determine your media. Director Ridley Scott pull a small pencil drawing Ridleygrams calls his crew when shooting. Directors others use what are called animatic, storyboard coverting to digital images, making early versions movie with stick figures and vague shapes that can be monitored. This can be used later to ensure that every shot is perfect. Whether you choose to create slides in PowerPoint or making a small stick-figure drawings on file cards, the rules are the same and you can do as much or as little as you want.

Create your storyboard. The most important thing is to make sure that your storyboard needs no explanation at all. It will take some practice, but by using basic principles of comic speech bubbles and lines of movement, you should be able to tell the story of your film with just your storyboard. Other people involved in the film should be able to quickly understand what is happening and what they will work.
Share your storyboards. Film is a collaborative medium, and storyboard is one great way to ensure that everyone involved understands your vision. Take your time before you shoot to make sure that everyone is on the same page and understand what you want. Before shooting.

A storyboard template is very important if you are putting together a multi-media such as video or DVD. Your storyboard is what will determine what your graphic designer will come up with, what the voice overs you will say, what you illustrator will draw, what photographers will shoot you, what would your soundtrack, and what programmer you will produce. A storyboard template is what you need to ensure that your storyboard out right.

So storyboard storyboard template starts with you. How do you make this? Start by taking care of medium you use for it. In Word, go into landscape mode, create your template, and let each page into one screen. If you use PowerPoint, create templates and let the slides into one screen. If you are using Adobe Captivate, you can take the approach of rapid development, and just started writing a whole storyboard directly with your authoring tool. And then there are a lot of commercial software storyboard program that teaches you how to create a template in themselves.
Some people prefer to use the program to write text and storyboard text-only, leaving the final image and the actual soundtrack to the producer, who just follow the textual descriptions in the block. But in general this is not the best way to create a storyboard. Visual is there to spark the imagination and see them act like a rough draft of a visual. The same goes for the soundtrack in the audio. You are not hard on anybody creativity by producing a full storyboard.

So, once you've called your storyboard template, how do you fill it out and make your storyboard? You need to make the following parts:
* Title Section: Here you put a subject, module, unit, or the name of the lesson.
* Screen Part Number: You want a unique identifier for each of your screen. So you can use, say, "t1m2s4? For topic 1, Module 2, screen 4.
* Visual Parts: Draw insert visuals or photos, graphics, etc.. You can also include text that will be displayed on the screen, or you can create another piece of text.
* Audio Section: This is where you write the script, the name of the file or record music, and sound effects (SFX) that will play on each screen.
* (Possible) Part Interaction: If you storyboard for something interactive, like video on your website, here is where you describe the interactions that occur on each screen. It's good to write it in a programming language for a programmer like you. So, for example, you might write "If button 3 is clicked, go to the screen u1m24".
* (Possible) The branching: For interactive production, here all the branching system that may be defined. Branching is not the same as the interaction. Branching is the overall navigation system, so that any possible interactions must be accounted for in the video here.

Remember, getting as storyboard art high into the screen as possible. You want your storyboard to be more detailed, but with that said you want as simple as possible.

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