Kamis, 01 November 2012


The positive attitude of citizens towards Pancasila values ​​seen in the history of national struggle and the Republic of Indonesia. Since the proclamation of August 17, 1945 has proven that an ideology of Pancasila, the nation's way of life, and the basis of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia really fit with the personality and soul of the nation of Indonesia as well as a means to address and solve the problems faced by the nation and state of Indonesia.
First, Pancasila will only flourish if all components of society are willing to be proactive, constantly reinterpret (reinterpretation) of the Pancasila in a critical-constructive dialogue. If society is passive, Pancasila will increasingly lose relevance. Alternatively, the bias turns into ideology Pancasila is also closed, because it is dominated by the ruling or interpretation of specific communities.
Second, because it is open to be interpreted by anyone, bias occurs Pancasila interpreted solely in accordance with the interests of the interpreter.
A positive attitude is primarily all components of society's willingness to actively express understanding of Pancasila.
Another positive attitude are all components of the nation's willingness to make the values ​​of Pancasila increasingly evident in the life of society, nation and the state everyday.
A positive attitude is most needed to make an open ideology Pancasila as the authoritative continue - going consistently fought the gap between the ideals of Pancasila with the reality of daily life of the nation.
Pancasila in the life of society, nation, state uses a variety of pathways and the creation of a support, need to be promoted and cultivated manner as follows.
1. Path of Education
Article 6 (1) states "Every citizen who was seven to fifteen years of compulsory basic education".
a. Informal Education
The government tried to improve the quality of educational institutions organized by both society and government to strengthen the education system that effectively and efficiently in the face of developments in science, technology, and art.
In accordance with the Law. 20 of 2003, informal educational activities undertaken by the family and the environment in the form of activities independently. Once students pass the examination in accordance with national education standards, the PP. 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards.
Family is a major public education and the first for all children. Families should be vessel formation Pancasila insane and become the base of the formation of the Pancasila.
b. Formal Education
The government should seek the expansion and equal opportunity to obtain a high quality education for all Indonesian people, for the creation of high-quality human Indonesia with increased education budget significantly.
Formal education consists of elementary education, secondary education, and higher education.
The creation of a learning environment that is based on noble values ​​of Pancasila is needed in schools. At school relationship can be harmonious and full of a sense of family among the teachers, staff and students.
c. Non-formal education
Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, held that non-formal education for citizens who require formal education services in order to support education as well as serve as a substitute, supplement, and complement formal education in support of lifelong education.
2. Mass Media Line
The mass media can be used as a vehicle for the education of Pancasila democracy, modern media such as press, radio, television, and the internet as well as traditional media, such as various kinds of folk art, puppets, ludruk, ketoprak, and Dolanan children. Media appearances aimed at bringing the mission has begun and the Pancasila as the basis of the State and democratic values.
According to Law. 40 of 1999 on the Press, the role of the national press is
a. Meet the public's right to know
b. Uphold the basic democratic values, promote the establishment of the rule of law and human rights, and respect for diversity;
c. Develop a general opinion based on accurate information, accurate, and true;
d. Supervision, criticism, corrections, and suggestions on issues related to the public interest;
e. Fighting for justice and truth.
3. Path Political Organizations, Charities Community, and Social Pranata
Especially for political parties as stipulated in article 6 of Law No.. 31 of 2002 on Political Parties, political parties stated objectives are:
a. Embody national ideals of Indonesia as stated in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution
b. Develop a democracy based on Pancasila and uphold the sovereignty of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia;
c. Welfare for all the people of Indonesia.
Functions of political parties, among others, political educate its members and the wider community in order to become citizens of the Republic of Indonesia who are aware of their rights and obligations in the life of society, nation, and state. In addition, political parties also serve as the glue of national unity for the welfare of the community.

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