Such areas - other areas in Indonesia, Maluku as the islands
have a long history of assistance that can not be removed separate from the
history of Indonesia as a whole.
Although in the Moluccas has never been found fossil / hominid skeleton,
but there is an assumption which says that in early humans lived Maluku which
have similarities with Homo Sapiens,
the early humans who lived around 40,000 years BC on the
mainland and the island of Java - the other islands in the archipelago is
actually a man Australoid, which is a human race that has similarities with
sourdough Ceram.
As the area is quite fertile, Maluku certainly invite arrival of
migrants from various regions that give rise to a wave of displacement and
produce a mixture of culture among residents of old / original
tribal settlers who later gave birth to the new tribes, such as
the tribes and tribal Wemale Alune who inhabited island - the island of spooky,
Buru, and Halmahera and allegedly in the ancestors of the tribe - the tribe
ALIFURU, Togifil,
and Furu-Aru.Pada beginning of the 7th century sailors - sailors
from mainland China during the Tang Dynasty, was stopping areas in the Maluku
islands to look for spices, but they kept it a secret so as not known
by nations - other nations in search of spices itu.Pada golden
era of Sriwijaya in the 12th century, including the Maluku Islands in the
territory of the kingdom. In the 14th century, Majapahit took control
maritime in almost all regions of Southeast Asia, including the Maluku
Islands. The pedagarng from Europe, such as Portugal, Spain, and the
Netherlands recently found its way to the Maluku islands in the seventeenth
century 16.Masuknya Islam through traders - traders from Aceh,
Malacca, and Gresik in the 14th century and the 15 co-introduced
a form of government more neat and orderly, as the Sultanate of Ternate,
Tidore, Bacan and Jailolo. In 1512, the Portuguese had found its way to the
Moluccas and
make friends with the Sultanate of Ternate, was given permission
to establish a fort in Pikapoli and Hitulama and Mamala. Nine years later, the
Spanish began to set foot in the Maluku Islands and established the fort in
Tidore.Tahun 1570, having lost the war
with the Sultanate of Ternate Sultan ordered Baabullah, Portuguese
expelled from Ternate and moved to Ambon. In 1577 the British fleet arrived in
Ternate. The Dutch began eyeing Hitu Maluku and assist in the war against the
Portuguese in Ambon and Portuguese
eventually defeated and had to surrender the existing defenses
in Ambon to the Netherlands, as well as British bentent Kambelo - Ceram. Since
then, the Dutch controlled most of the Maluku islands. Netherlands stronger
position with
VOC establishment in 1602 that the Dutch practically a monopoly
spice trade - spices in the Moluccas. To strengthen its position in the
Moluccas, the Dutch established administrative body called the governement van
Amboina, as well as in Banda,
Kei, Aru, and Teon-Nila Tanimbar Serua under the supervision of
governement van Banda.System applied Dutch monopoly in the spice trade
gradually invite resistance Moluccan folk resented their monopoly system
so comes the resistance of the people where - where the Dutch.
In 1643 Kakiali fomenting resistance to the Dutch. In 1644 Tulukabessy and
Fatiwani rise against the Netherlands, but in 1646 that popular resistance to
the Dutch destroyed and punished Tulukabessy
hanged at Fort Victoria in Europe 1648.Situasi also influence
the state of the Dutch colonies in the archipelago is no exception in the
Maluku islands. In 1795, the kingdom was conquered by France and the
Netherlands in 1799 the VOC at disbanded. In 1810, the Kingdom of the
became part of the Kingdom of France. This condition is
devastating for the Dutch in the Moluccas Islands. In 1810 the Dutch in the
Moluccas fell into British hands. Mastering English Maluku since 1811 -
1817Tahun 1814, according the London Convention, the UK should return
region - captured the colony to the Dutch. In 1817, the Dutch
began to set back the government in Maluku and integrate them into one
government, that governement de Molukken.
What do you remember from the history of the Moluccas? Of
course, the hero struggles since elementary school known to us. Thomas
Matulessy hero is then given the title of Captain Pattimura.
And more than that, Maluku province turned out to save the
history as the oldest since the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. The
abundance of spices in the Moluccas became the forerunner of a long history of
colonization in the Moluccas.
Maluku region known as the Thousand Islands, has a range of
social, cultural and abundant natural womb. Drawn from the history, Maluku
islands composed of Islamic kingdoms that controlled the island. Maluku name
itself comes from the Arabic word Al-Mulk that has meaning land of the kingdom.
Maluku also has a long history of travel, as well as other
areas, which can not be forgotten. Since time immemorial, Maluku are rich in
spices is known in international traffic.
The 7th century Tang Dynasty Chinese sailors, often visited
Maluku looking for spices. They keep it rich Moluccas, so that no other nation
But in the 9th century Arab traders eventually find Maluku after
wading oscillate Indian Ocean. Furthermore, in the 14th century was the era of
the Middle Eastern spice trade and the source of the introduction of Islam in
Aceh, Maluku through the port, Malacca, and Gresik.
Portuguese were the first Europeans to discover the Moluccas. Precisely
in 1512 brought two fleet under the command of Anthony d'Abreu and Francisco
Serau. As usual, they make a visit to the kings of the castle and get a permit.
But the relationship is not long.
Portuguese did monopoly system and spread Christianity.
Historically, friendship Portuguese kingdom of Ternate in the Moluccas and
ended in 1570 by Sultan Babullah resistance for 5 years to be exact since the
year 1570 until 1575.
Portuguese withdraw from Ternate. It is directly exploited by
the Dutch to go to Maluku. Netherlands stronger because of the VOC. The
Netherlands became the sole ruler in the Maluku islands.
Dutch got a tough challenge from the people of Maluku as
political, economic, and fellow public relations deteriorated. Under the leadership
of Thomas Matulessy who would be named Kapitan Pattimura, Maluku people rise up
in arms.
Thomas was none other than former British army sergeant.
Although the victory early struggles increasingly to inflame other young men,
but in the end memprokporandakan cunning Dutch fighters. Pattimura was
sentenced to death.
Wake of the Pacific War in 1941 recorded the story of colonial
history in Indonesia. Governor General of the Netherlands at the time, over the
radio stating Dutch government is in a state of war with Japan.
While the Japanese soldiers did not encounter much difficulty
seized the islands in Indonesia. They entered from the north through the island
of Morotai while eastwards through the islands of Misool. Finally, in a short
time the whole region occupied Maluku Islands.
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