Adobe affter Effect
After Effects is
a very professional software for Motion Graphic Design needs. With a
combination of a wide - range of existing software Design, After Effects to be
one of the reliable software design. Standart Effects reaching about 50 kinds
more, which is able to change and to animate objects. In addition, create
animation with After Effects, can also be done by simply typing some script
code which is called Expression to produce a more dynamic movement.
After Effects
more complete amenities when we compare it with other video editing software.
In After Effects, there are some facilities that are owned by some other
software. For example: In After Effects there is a tool to create Shape (as
found in Photoshop). In After Effects there Keyframe as found in Flash
(menganimasikannya also almost the same way).
Create motion
graphics and visual effects with the industry standard?? With Adobe ® After
Effects ® CS4 software, you can create exciting motion graphics and blockbuster
visual effects with flexible tools that help save you time and deliver
unparalleled creative power.? Did you know ... You can locate project elements
Adobe After
Effects is primarily used to create motion graphics and visual effects. After
Effects allows users to animate, alter, and composite media in 2D and 3D space
with various built-in tools and third party plug-ins, as well as individual
attention to variables like parallax and user-adjustable angle of observation.
?? Both After Effects and some non-linear editing systems (NLEs) are
layer-oriented, meaning that each individual media object (video clip, audio
clip, still image, etc.) occupies its own track. In contrast, other NLEs use a
system where individual media objects can occupy the same track as long as they
do not overlap in time. This track-oriented system is more suited for editing
and can keep project files much more concise. Layer-oriented system that After
Effects adopts is suited for extensive effects work and keyframing. Although
other compositing packages-especially ones that employ tree or node workflows,
such as Apple Shake-are better suited to manage large volumes of objects within
a composite, After Effects is able to keep a bit cluttered with selectively
hiding layers (using the Shy switch) or by grouping them into pre-composition.
The main
interface consists of several panels (windows in versions prior to After
Effects 7.0). Three of the most commonly used panels are the Project panel, the
Composition panel, and the Timeline panel. Project panel acts as a bin to
import stills, video, and audio footage items. Footage items in the Project
panel are used in the Timeline panel, where layer order and timing can be
adjusted. The items visible at the current time marker are displayed in the
Composition panel
After Effects
integrates with other Adobe software such as Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere
Pro, Encore, and Flash. ? [Edit] History
After Effects
was originally created by the Company of Science and Art in Providence, RI,
USA. Version 1.0 was released in January 1993. Version 2.1 introduced PowerPC
acceleration in 1994. CoSA along with After Effects was then acquired by Aldus
corporation in July 1993, the company was then acquired by Adobe in 1994, and
with it PageMaker and After Effects. Adobe's first new release of After Effects
was version
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